7 Best BetterDocs Alternatives: WordPress Knowledge Base Plugins

Are you looking for the best alternatives to BetterDocs? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This article will introduce you to a selection of the best WordPress Knowledge Base Plugins that can transform your website by improving user engagement and customer service.

These plugins are not just tools; they are solutions offering a structured, accessible, and engaging knowledge base that can significantly enhance your online presence.

Whether you’re a blogger, entrepreneur, or developer, the right WordPress plugin can make a world of difference to your site. We have curated a list of top-notch plugins that are designed to simplify and enhance the creation and management of your site’s knowledge base.

So, get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment with our comprehensive list of BetterDocs alternatives.

Best WordPress Knowledge Base Plugins

Knowledge Base


The Knowledge Base plugin provides a comprehensive solution for your documentation needs. This powerful tool assists in creating and organizing FAQs, articles, and documentation, addressing a critical need for businesses to maintain a well-structured, accessible, and engaging knowledge base.

This plugin is more than just a paywall to your content; it’s a key to unlocking user engagement and improving customer service.

Features and Benefits

  • Fast search bar with listed results: Allows users to quickly find the information they need, improving the user experience.
  • Five levels of hierarchical documentation: Provides a structured way to organize content, making it easier to navigate.
  • Article view counter with Popular and Recent Articles: Enables you to track user engagement and highlight the most relevant articles.
  • FAQs Module and Shortcode: Simplifies the creation and management of FAQs, saving you time and effort.Professional layouts: Offers a variety of designs to match your brand’s identity, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your site.
  • Customizable Category Archive Page: Allows you to customize the archive page to your liking, increasing flexibility.
  • Articles with breadcrumb, back button, navigation, print button, TOC, and more: Enhances usability and user interaction with your content.
  • Navigation sidebar listing categories and articles: Makes it easy for users to navigate through your knowledge base.
  • AI Content Writing Like ChatGPT: Provides AI-driven content writing assistance, improving consistency and efficiency in content creation.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $46.



weDocs is an exceptional WordPress documentation plugin that allows you to manage your product’s knowledge base, documentation, and wiki in just a few minutes. This innovative plugin is a solution to the problem of manually maintaining and creating wikis, guidelines, documentation, and product knowledge bases.

The plugin provides an efficient way to manage an aligned knowledge base which is crucial for online service-based products and WordPress plugins and themes.

Features and Benefits

  • User-friendly design: weDocs has a simple and intuitive interface that allows even non-tech-savvy individuals to create and manage a knowledge base with ease.
  • Simplified document creation: With a drag-and-drop functionality, creating and organizing documents has never been easier.
  • Robust search feature: Users can easily find relevant information with the help of a powerful search function.
  • Feedback form: Each document includes a feedback form for users to provide valuable insights or report issues.
  • Seamless migration: weDocs allows you to easily transfer data from the BetterDocs knowledge base plugin.
  • Multilingual support: With the Weglot plugin, you can create documentation in multiple languages.
  • Optimized search features: For better visibility and reach, weDocs is optimized for search engines.
  • Responsive design: The plugin adapts flawlessly to all screen sizes, ensuring a great user experience across devices.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $149.

BasePress Docs


The BasePress Knowledge Base plugin is a powerful tool for creating and managing comprehensive documentation on your WordPress website. It is designed to help reduce support tickets and streamline your customer support operations, all while seamlessly integrating with any WordPress theme.

A reliable knowledge base is essential for any knowledge management strategy, and BasePress provides this by making it simple for customers to find the answers they need 24/7.

Features and Benefits

  • Quick setup: Ready to use in less than 5 minutes, with a dedicated Wizard to guide you through the setup procedure, ensuring a smooth and fast start.
  • Multiple knowledge bases: Create as many independent knowledge bases as you need, allowing you to manage different information sets separately.
  • Organized content: Keeps your content organized in a logical way, dividing it by product, service, department, etc., for easy navigation and clarity.
  • Time-saving: Serves targeted answers to your customers, saving them time and enhancing their experience.
  • Professional look: Keeps the look of your website professional, maintaining a high standard of appearance.
  • Entry page: Creates an entry page for your customers where they can choose the knowledge base they want to consult, providing a user-friendly interface.
  • Mobile friendly: Adapts to all devices, including tablets and phones, ensuring accessibility on the go.
  • SEO friendly: Optimized for search engines to drive organic traffic, increasing visibility and reach.
  • Professional support: Dedicated professional support to assist with any issues, ensuring reliable help when needed.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $199.

KB Support


Meet KB Support, the top-notch WordPress plugin designed to offer unparalleled support and help desk services to your customers. This plugin serves as a comprehensive solution to the common problem of managing customer queries and providing timely support.

The integrated Knowledge Base allows customers to find solutions to their issues during the ticket submission process, significantly reducing the volume of support queries your help desk receives.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy to manage and customize submission forms: Eliminates the need for any coding and allows the creation of multiple forms.
  • Guest submission support: Customers can create or manage support tickets without needing an account.
  • Sequential ticket numbers: Organizes tickets, making them easier to track and manage.
  • Email notifications: Keeps customers, admins, and support agents updated with recent ticket events.
  • Restricted access: Ensures that only agents and the assigned customer can view tickets and correspondence.
  • Unlimited ticket participants: Allows all relevant parties to contribute towards a ticket on behalf of a customer.
  • Knowledge Base articles: Easy creation and referencing of articles to offer solutions without creating tickets.
  • Auto assignment of new tickets to agents: Based on current ticket count or randomly, this ensures efficient ticket management.
  • Agent status tracking: Allows visibility of online or offline status of agents.
  • Customer portal: Provides access to existing and historic tickets, enhancing customer experience.
  • Built-in SPAM protection: Keeps your support system clean and effective.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $74.

WordPress Tooltips


WordPress Tooltips is a powerful plugin designed to enhance the user experience of your website. Acting as a knowledge base plugin, it provides additional information to users in a visually appealing and interactive manner.

This plugin solves the problem of information overload by only presenting additional details when a user hovers over an element.

From posts, images, tags to multimedia content, WordPress Tooltips can be added to numerous elements, making your site more user-friendly and informative.

Features and Benefits

  • Rich Content Display: WordPress Tooltips supports a wide range of content including text, videos, audios, images, Google Maps, QR codes, links, and more, allowing you to provide a comprehensive and diverse knowledge base to your users.
  • Glossary Feature: The plugin supports a glossary feature, which can be easily inserted in any page or post through a shortcode, aiding in the faster and efficient retrieval of information.
  • Easy Management: All tooltip keywords and content can be centrally managed in one admin panel, ensuring smooth operations and efficient management.
  • Automatic Detection: The plugin automatically detects tooltip keywords in frontend elements and applies the tooltip effect to them, saving time and enhancing the user experience.
  • Compatibility: WordPress Tooltips is compatible with various gallery/slideshow plugins and other popular plugins such as Elementor, TablePress, WPForms, WooCommerce, etc., seamlessly integrating with these plugins to deliver a smooth user experience.
  • Responsive: The plugin is fully responsive and compatible with mobile devices, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.
  • Customization: WordPress Tooltips offers various customization options including tooltip color schemes, animation effects, and more, letting you align the tooltips with your website’s theme and design.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $25.



EazyDocs is an innovative WordPress plugin that fills the need for an easy-to-use, feature-rich knowledge base. This tool serves as an ideal alternative to BetterDocs, providing a user-friendly means to create a comprehensive and professional knowledge base.

EazyDocs helps solve the problem of complicated documentation and knowledge base creation, making it a breeze to build and manage an unlimited number of knowledge bases with a simple drag and drop feature.

Features and Benefits

  • Unlimited Documentation Creation: EazyDocs allows you to create an unlimited number of knowledge bases, providing flexibility and scalability for your documentation needs.
  • Drag-and-Drop Ordering: Simplifies the process of creating and organizing your documents. You can easily change the order and hierarchy of your documents with a simple drag-and-drop action.
  • Modern Design: EazyDocs offers a modern, professional design that makes your documentation look appealing and easy to read.
  • User-Friendly Design: The plugin is designed with the reader in mind, offering a seamless user experience and easy navigation.
  • SEO Optimized: EazyDocs is SEO-ready, helping your documentation rank higher on search engines.
  • Integrated Schema: The plugin is integrated with Schema.org, improving the visibility of your content on search engines.
  • Sticky Sidebars: EazyDocs makes navigation through your documentation easy with sticky sidebars that follow the user as they scroll through the content.
  • Multilingual and RTL Ready: EazyDocs supports multiple languages, including RTL ones, making your knowledge base accessible to a global audience.
  • Responsive and Retina Ready: The plugin ensures your knowledge base looks great on all devices, providing a consistent experience across all screen sizes.
  • Ajax Live Search Results: EazyDocs comes with a live search feature that provides relevant search results without leaving the page.
  • Share Docs Feature: The plugin allows users to share your docs across various platforms, increasing the visibility of your content.
  • Gutenberg Blocks and Elementor Compatible: EazyDocs supports Gutenberg blocks and can be used with the Elementor page builder.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $49/ year.

Encyclopedia / Glossary / Wiki


The Encyclopedia / Glossary / Wiki plugin is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to cater to your Knowledge Base needs. This plugin is a one-stop solution to create, manage, and present a knowledge base, completely integrated with WordPress and compatible with all your favorite publishing tools.

It provides a hassle-free way to manage your content along with a plethora of smart features like automatically cross-linking within your website’s content. This plugin also gives search engines more content to crawl, potentially leading to better SEO rankings for your website.

Features and Benefits

  • Manage and organize your items as an encyclopedia, lexicon, glossary, Wiki, dictionary, or knowledge base: This feature gives you flexibility in how you want to categorize your content.
  • Automatically generated index page with all items: This helps users easily navigate through your knowledge base.
  • SEO conform URL structure for all kinds of pages: This ensures that your URLs are search-engine friendly, which is beneficial for SEO.
  • Tags and categories to classify your items: This makes it easier for users to find the content they’re looking for.
  • Automatic association of related items: This feature helps users find more relevant content.
  • Supports user-defined HTML templates: This gives you control over the design and layout of your knowledge base.
  • Clean and intuitive user interface: This makes it easy for you to manage and update your knowledge base.
  • Search function for exclusive searching in encyclopedia items: This ensures that users can easily find the content they’re looking for.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $55.

Why Are WordPress Knowledge Base Plugins Beneficial

WordPress knowledge base plugins are highly beneficial for a variety of reasons, particularly for businesses, organizations, and websites aiming to provide comprehensive self-service support to their users. Here’s a detailed explanation of their importance:

1. Enhanced Customer Support

24/7 Availability

Knowledge base plugins enable the creation of a centralized repository of information that users can access at any time. This means customers can find answers to their questions and resolve issues on their own, without needing to wait for business hours or support staff availability.

Reduced Support Workload

By providing a detailed knowledge base, businesses can significantly reduce the number of support tickets and inquiries. Customers can resolve common issues themselves, which decreases the workload on customer support teams, allowing them to focus on more complex or unique problems.

2. Improved User Experience

Easy Access to Information

These plugins often include robust search functionalities and intuitive categorization, making it easy for users to find the information they need quickly. This improves user satisfaction as they can easily navigate through articles, FAQs, tutorials, and guides.

Consistency and Reliability

A well-maintained knowledge base ensures that users receive consistent and accurate information. Unlike human support, which can vary, the information in a knowledge base remains consistent, leading to a more reliable user experience.

3. SEO and Website Traffic

Increased Search Engine Visibility

Knowledge base articles are often indexed by search engines, which can drive organic traffic to your website. By answering common questions and providing detailed information, these articles can rank well for relevant search queries, bringing in users who are searching for solutions online.

Long-Tail Keywords

The detailed nature of knowledge base articles allows for the targeting of long-tail keywords, which can improve the site’s SEO performance and attract a more specific audience that is likely searching for detailed answers or specific issues.

4. Centralized Knowledge Repository

Organized Information Management

A knowledge base plugin helps in organizing information in a structured manner, making it easy to update and manage. This central repository ensures that all relevant data, updates, and solutions are stored in one place, making it easier for both users and administrators to access and manage.

Version Control

Many knowledge base plugins offer version control, allowing administrators to keep track of changes and updates to articles. This ensures that users always have access to the most current information, which is crucial for accuracy and relevance.

5. Scalability and Customization

Adaptable to Business Growth

As businesses grow, the volume of information and the number of users looking for support also increase. Knowledge base plugins can scale with the business, handling increased traffic and a growing repository of information without significant additional costs.

Customization and Branding

WordPress knowledge base plugins are highly customizable, allowing businesses to match the knowledge base with their brand’s look and feel. This includes customizing the layout, design, and functionality to provide a seamless user experience that aligns with the overall website.

6. Analytics and Insights

User Behavior Tracking

Many knowledge base plugins come with built-in analytics that track how users interact with the content. This data can provide valuable insights into what users are searching for, which articles are most helpful, and where there might be gaps in the information provided.

Continuous Improvement

With analytics, businesses can continually improve their knowledge base by updating existing articles, adding new content based on user demand, and optimizing the structure and navigation for better user experience.

Final Word

Harness the power of these robust WordPress Knowledge Base plugins to boost your website’s potential. They offer remarkable features like AI assistance, hierarchical documentation, user-friendly design, and efficient document creation, all aimed at enhancing user interaction and content accessibility.

These plugins help you organize your content effectively, making it easier for your audience to find the information they need. They also provide valuable analytics to monitor user engagement and feedback. So, don’t wait any longer.

Elevate your website’s functionality, improve your customer service, and establish your authority in your niche by leveraging these innovative tools. Take the next step and start exploring these tools today!

FAQs About WordPress Knowledge Base Plugins

  1. What is BetterDocs?

    BetterDocs is a popular WordPress plugin used for creating and managing a knowledge base on your website. It helps in providing organized and easily accessible documentation, FAQs, and support articles to improve user experience and reduce support queries.
  2. Why might I need an alternative to BetterDocs?

    You might need an alternative to BetterDocs if you are looking for different features, better pricing, easier customization, improved support, or specific integrations that BetterDocs may not offer. Different plugins might suit different needs and preferences better.
  3. How do knowledge base plugins improve customer support?

    Knowledge base plugins improve customer support by providing 24/7 access to helpful documentation and FAQs, reducing the number of support tickets, offering consistent and reliable information, and enabling users to resolve their issues independently.
  4. Can knowledge base plugins help with SEO?

    Yes, well-optimized knowledge base articles can improve your site’s SEO by providing valuable content that answers common user queries, targeting long-tail keywords, and increasing your site’s visibility on search engines.
  5. Can I migrate my existing knowledge base content to a new plugin?

    Many knowledge base plugins provide tools or documentation to help you migrate your existing content. The process and ease of migration will depend on the specific plugin and the format of your current knowledge base.
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