11 Must-Have WordPress Tag Plugins For Better Content Organization

Searching for the best WordPress Tag Plugins to streamline your site management tasks? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of the top WordPress Tag Plugins including Meta Tag Manager, TaxoPress, Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order, Tag Groups, and more. These plugins are designed to improve your website’s SEO, enhance its online visibility, and simplify the process of adding, editing, and managing tags on your site.

In this digital age, having a well-structured and easily navigable website is crucial to online success. That’s where WordPress Tag Plugins come in. They play an essential role in organizing content, improving searchability, and ultimately enhancing user experience. In the following article, we promise to give you valuable insights into each plugin’s features and benefits, helping you choose the best one for your specific needs. Let’s dive in and explore these tools that could potentially revolutionize your website management tasks!

Must-Have WordPress Tag Plugins

Meta Tag Manager


Welcome to Meta Tag Manager, a powerful yet easy-to-use WordPress plugin designed exclusively for managing your website’s meta tags. This user-friendly plugin simplifies the complex task of adding, editing, and managing meta tags on your site. Whether you are looking to improve your site’s SEO, enhance its online visibility, or simply streamline your site management tasks, Meta Tag Manager is your go-to solution.

Features and Benefits

  • Support for various meta tags including name, property, http-equiv, charset, and itemprop attributes. This gives you the flexibility to manage various meta tags in one place.
  • Ability to choose from predefined types or create your own. This feature provides you with the freedom to customize your meta tags as per your needs.
  • Option to add meta tags to specific posts or globally across the site. This helps in fine-tuning your SEO efforts based on specific posts or across the website.
  • Automatic addition of Open Graph, Schema, and Structured Data to your homepage. This aids in improving your site’s visibility and ranking in search engine results.
  • Capability to add Google Sitelinks and Sitelinks Search markup. This facilitates better navigation and user experience on your site, thus increasing user engagement.
  • Ease of adding verification codes for services like Facebook, Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools, Yandex, and more. This feature simplifies the process of verifying your site with different online services, enhancing your site’s credibility.

Pricing Structure

Meta Tag Manager offers a free version with basic functionalities. For more advanced features, you can upgrade to the Pro version. The Pro version includes dynamic placeholders, additional contexts for global meta tags, shortcode support within meta descriptions, unique tag detection, taxonomy support and more. The pricing for the Pro version starts at $79 per year for a single site.



TaxoPress is a robust WordPress tag plugin that enables you to create, manage, and optimize tags, categories, and all your WordPress taxonomy terms. It integrates with AI tools, including OpenAI, IBM Watson, Dandelion, and more, making it easier for you to find or create the best taxonomy terms for your content.

Features and Benefits

  • Manage terms and taxonomies: Create new taxonomies and edit all the settings for each taxonomy.
  • Terms display: Create a customizable display of all the terms in one taxonomy.
  • Terms for the current post: Display all the terms assigned to the current post.
  • Related posts: Show posts with similar tags and categories.
  • Auto links: Automatically add links to your content based on specific terms.
  • Auto terms: Analyze your posts and automatically add relevant terms.
  • TaxoPress AI: Find or create the best taxonomy terms for your content.

Pricing Structure

TaxoPress is available as a free version, but for more features and expert support, you can upgrade to TaxoPress Pro starting from $59 for single site.

Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order


The Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order is a powerful WordPress Tag plugin developed by Nsp-Code. This plugin comes in handy for those who wish to gain control over the order of categories and custom taxonomies on their website. By utilizing a Drag and Drop Sortable javascript capability, it makes the otherwise complex process of arranging categories and taxonomies straightforward and hassle-free. The plugin does not require any updates for your themes or other plugins, as it applies the customized sorting to front queries on-the-go.

Features and Benefits

  • Drag and Drop Sortable Javascript Capability: This feature allows you to easily arrange and order your categories and custom taxonomies. It simplifies the process and saves you time.
  • No Updates Required: You do not need to worry about updating your themes or plugins for this feature to work. The plugin applies the customized sorting on the fly.
  • Supports Multiple Taxonomies: If you have multiple taxonomies created for a custom post type, the plugin provides a menu that lets you select the one you need to sort.
  • Order Child Categories: Not just the primary categories, you can also order any defined child categories or terms using the same interface.
  • Admin Terms Interface: The plugin also allows you to have the admin terms interface sorted according to your new sort.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is currently free to use with optional premium features available for purchase starting from $39 for a single site.

Tag Groups


The Tag Groups Plugin is an advanced tool designed to enhance and simplify the organization of your WordPress taxonomy terms. This plugin enables you to showcase your taxonomy terms in cloud displays, list formats, tabs, accordions, tables, and more. Additionally, it provides a vast array of customization options for term displays, which can be utilized in posts, pages, blocks, or shortcodes.

Features and Benefits

  • Tag List: This feature sorts tags into columns and groups.
  • Tabbed Tag Cloud: This organizes tags into groups that appear in tabs.
  • Accordion Tag Cloud: This stacks tags into vertically placed accordion groups.
  • Alphabetical Tag Cloud: This sorts tags alphabetically by the first letter under tabs.
  • Alphabetical Tag Index: This presents tags in columns, sorted alphabetically by the first letter.
  • Post List: This feature displays posts with a specific tag or in a specific tag group.

The Pro version of the Tag Groups Plugin offers additional features like

  • Advanced Tag Cloud: An enhanced version of a traditional tag cloud with numerous customization options.
  • Table Tag Cloud: This organizes tags in a table format, with groups serving as headers.
  • Shuffle Box: A tag cloud feature that allows filtering of tags by names or tag groups.
  • Tag Cloud Search: This adds a search box to any static tag display.
  • Toggle Post Filter and Dynamic Post Filter: Features that allow users to dynamically search for posts that have tags they select.
  • The Tag Groups Plugin is not limited to tags and also supports other (flat) taxonomies, such as WooCommerce product tags. It is officially compatible with WPML, allowing for multilingual website support.

Pricing Structure

The pricing structure for the Pro version of Tag Groups Plugin starts from $59 for single site.

Pages with category and tag


A WordPress site is incomplete without the inclusion of tags and categories, integral elements for organizing your content. However, WordPress by default doesn’t allow you to add categories and tags to your pages. This is where the ‘Add Categories and Tags to Pages’ plugin steps in. This WordPress plugin is specifically designed to solve this problem, effortlessly allowing users to add, manage, and organize categories and tags on their WordPress pages, thereby enhancing the user experience and SEO potential of their websites.

Features and Benefits

  • Ease of Use: The plugin is straightforward to use. With a simple installation and activation process, you can start adding categories and tags to your WordPress pages immediately. This makes your website more user-friendly and organized.
  • Improved SEO: By allowing you to add tags and categories to your pages, this plugin helps you improve the SEO of your website. It enables you to link related content together, which can boost your site’s search engine rankings.
  • Better Organization: With this plugin, you can organize your content better. It allows you to group related pages under the same category or tag, making it easier for visitors to navigate your website and find the information they’re looking for.
  • Compatibility: This plugin is compatible with most WordPress themes and plugins. This means you won’t have to worry about it affecting the functionality of your website.

Pricing Structure

As for the pricing structure, the plugin is free to use. This makes it a cost-effective solution for those looking to enhance the organization and SEO of their WordPress site.

List category posts


List Category Posts is a powerful WordPress Tag Plugin that allows you to list posts by category in a post or page using the [catlist] shortcode. This plugin solves the problem of dynamically displaying specific category posts on your website pages or posts, making content organization and presentation more manageable and efficient.

Features and Benefits

  • Allows listing of posts by category: This feature enables you to display various post categories selectively on different pages or posts.
  • Offers shortcode customization: You can customize the shortcode to display posts in a specific order, limit the number of posts, and display additional post information such as the author, date, and excerpt.
  • Provides a global option for the number of posts: You can set a default number of posts to show for each instance, which you can override in your shortcode.
  • Allows multiple shortcodes: The [catlist] shortcode can be used as many times as needed with different arguments on each post/page.
  • Offers style customization: The different elements to display can be styled with CSS, allowing you to define an HTML tag and CSS class for each element.

Pricing Structure

List Category Posts is a free WordPress plugin. However, users can support the plugin’s continuous development and maintenance through donations via PayPal or by sponsoring the plugin’s significant contributor, Klemens Starybrat, on GitHub.

GTM4WP A Google Tag Manager


The GTM4WP – Google Tag Manager (GTM) plugin for WordPress is a free tool that allows users to manage and deploy analytics and marketing tags as well as other code snippets using an intuitive web interface. The plugin makes it easy to place the GTM container code snippets onto your WordPress website, eliminating the need for manual addition. It also supports multiple containers, making it a versatile tool for your website.

Features and Benefits

  • GTM Container Code Placement: The plugin helps you place the two parts of the original GTM container code correctly on your website. This ensures all features of GTM are enabled and perform optimally.
  • Basic Data Included: The plugin pushes page meta data and user information into the data layer. This includes details such as post/page titles, dates, category names, author ID and name, post types, custom terms associated with any post type, logged in status, user role, user ID, and IP address of the visitor.
  • Browser/OS/Device Data: The plugin provides data on browser (name, version, engine), operating system (name, version) and device (type, manufacturer, model) using the WhichBrowser library.
  • Media Player Events: It allows tracking of users’ interaction with any embedded media like YouTube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud.
  • Scroll Tracking: The plugin can fire tags based on how the visitor scrolls from the top to the bottom of a page, helping you separate ‘readers’ from ‘scrollers’.
  • Blacklist & Whitelist Tag Manager tags, triggers and variables Increase website security by white- and blacklisting tags/triggers/variables.

Pricing Structure

The GTM4WP – Google Tag Manager plugin for WordPress is free to use.



PixelYourSite is a smart WordPress tag plugin that allows you to manage your Facebook Pixel, implement Facebook Conversion API, or add your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) effortlessly. It helps solve the problem of tracking user interactions on your website and integrating various marketing platforms.

Features and Benefits

  • Integration with Multiple Platforms: The plugin supports Meta Pixel (Facebook Pixel), Google Analytics, Google Ads, Pinterest, and Microsoft (Bing) UET tag. This feature allows you to track your website’s performance across multiple platforms in one place.
  • Automatic Events: It tracks important actions such as searches, form submissions, comments, and downloads. This can help you understand your visitors’ behavior and create targeted audiences for your marketing campaigns.
  • WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Support: PixelYourSite fully supports both platforms, allowing you to set up Facebook Dynamic Ads pixel and Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce.
  • Custom Events: You have the option to fire your own events with zero coding, providing you with the flexibility to track specific actions that matter to your business.
  • Consent, GDPR, CCPA Support: The plugin is fully integrated with ConsentMagic.com and works with popular cookie consent plugins, ensuring your website is compliant with data privacy laws.
  • Facebook for WooCommerce Integration: You can use the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin along with PixelYourSite, ensuring product matching between your site and Product Catalog.
  • Pro Version: The pro version offers advanced features such as TikTok Tag support, more automated events, more event triggers, more Facebook event parameters, and more Google Analytics features.

Pricing Structure

As for the pricing of the PixelYourSite plugin, it offers a free version with basic features. However, to access other advanced features, you can opt for the pro version bundles starting from $700.

Metronet Tag Manager


Metronet Tag Manager is a robust WordPress plugin designed to seamlessly integrate Google Tag Manager into your website. The plugin addresses the challenge of setting up tracking scripts and firing rules on your website, making it easier to manage and analyze data from your site’s activity. It offers a handy solution for those who lack the technical expertise or access to add code to their website, simplifying the process of tag management.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy DataLayer Variables Addition: With Metronet Tag Manager, you can effortlessly add as many dataLayer variables on a per-post and per-page basis as needed. This flexibility allows you to track and analyze specific data from different pages or posts on your website.
  • Predefined DataLayer Variables: The plugin provides six predefined dataLayer variables that can be modified, removed, or used for testing. These variables load on all pages and posts, providing a comprehensive overview of your website’s data.
  • Separate DataLayer Variables: Metronet Tag Manager allows you to set up separate dataLayer variables for pages that are not posts or pages, like archives. This feature ensures complete data tracking across all areas of your website.
  • HTML Event Handler: The plugin lets you easily add an HTML event handler to any content link with the Google Tag Manager TinyMCE button in the WYSIWYG. This feature enhances your ability to track user interactions with content links on your site.
  • Unique ID or Class Assignment: Metronet Tag Manager enables you to add your unique ID or a class to each content link with the Google Tag Manager TinyMCE button in the WYSIWYG, making it easier to identify and track individual links.

Pricing Structure

The Metronet Tag Manager plugin is free to use.

Tag Manager


The Tag Manager – Header, Body, and Footer is a versatile and user-friendly WordPress tag plugin that enables you to seamlessly insert code into different sections of your website, including the header, after the start body tag, and in the footer above the ending body tag. This plugin is particularly beneficial for integrating services like Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Google Adsense, and many more into your website. Besides these, it also offers the functionality of adding meta tags to your website header and includes custom HTML code for footer code injection.

Features and Benefits

  • Code injection in the head section, body section, and footer section of the website.
  • Capability to insert multiple codes in each section of the site.
  • Control over code visibility based on user roles (admin or logged in users)
  • Ability to exclude/include pages code by page id.
  • The plugin also comes with supported actions that allow users to load the code on external files using WordPress functions. This opens up possibilities of adding header, footer, and body codes for web elements outside your WordPress site.

Pricing Structure

The Tag Manager – Header, Body, and Footer plugin is entirely free to use and there are no hidden costs involved. The developers, YYDevelopment, encourage users to support them through coffee donations, but this is completely optional and does not impact the functionality or usage of the plugin.

Multi-column Tag Map


Multi-column Tag Map is an incredible WordPress Tag Plugin that showcases an indexed and columnized listing of all tags, categories, authors, pages, posts, single custom post types, or taxonomies utilized on your site. It functions like a book’s index page, granting your visitors the convenience of quickly searching for topics that could pique their interest. This plugin is the perfect alternative to the tag cloud, especially if your site is extensive with a wide array of subjects or products.

Features and Benefits

  • Alphabetical listing: This feature allows for an easy and quick search as it alphabetically lists tags, pages, posts, categories, custom post types, authors, and taxonomies. This orderly presentation saves your users’ time and improves their experience on your website.
  • Customizable options: With over 50 customizable options, you can tweak the plugin according to your site’s needs and your preferences. This flexibility ensures that the plugin blends seamlessly with your site’s design and functionality.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use.

What are WordPress Tag Plugins?

WordPress tag plugins are tools or extensions designed to enhance the functionality related to tagging content within a WordPress website. Tags are keywords or phrases assigned to content (such as blog posts or articles) to categorize and organize them. These tags help visitors to easily find related content on the website.

WordPress itself provides basic tagging functionality, allowing users to add tags to their posts. However, tag plugins offer additional features and customization options to improve the tagging experience and optimize content organization.

How Do WordPress Tag Plugins Help Your Website

WordPress tag plugins can offer several benefits to your website:

  1. Improved Organization: Tags help in organizing content on your website. Tag plugins provide advanced tagging capabilities, making it easier to categorize content effectively. This improves navigation for visitors, allowing them to find related content more easily.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: With tag plugins, visitors can easily explore related content through tag clouds, tag filtering, or tag-based navigation widgets. This improves the overall user experience by providing intuitive ways to discover relevant information.
  3. SEO Benefits: Properly implemented tags can contribute to better search engine optimization (SEO). Tag plugins often offer features to optimize tags for search engines, such as generating meta tags, optimizing tag URLs, and preventing duplicate content issues related to tag archives. This can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  4. Increased Engagement: By making it easier for visitors to find related content through tags, tag plugins can increase engagement on your website. Visitors are more likely to spend more time exploring your content if they can easily navigate through relevant topics using tags.
  5. Customization Options: Tag plugins often come with customization options, allowing you to tailor the appearance and functionality of tags to match your website’s design and branding. This ensures consistency across your website and enhances its overall aesthetics.
  6. Time-Saving Management: Advanced tag management features provided by tag plugins make it easier to manage tags across your website. This includes bulk tag editing, tag renaming, and tag deletion functionalities, which can save you time and effort in organizing your content.
  7. Integration with Other Plugins: Some tag plugins integrate with other WordPress plugins, such as those for social sharing or related posts. This integration enhances the overall functionality of your website, providing additional features and options for your visitors.

Overall, WordPress tag plugins help your website by improving organization, enhancing user experience, boosting SEO, increasing engagement, providing customization options, simplifying tag management, and integrating with other plugins to enhance functionality.

Final Word

The above-highlighted WordPress Tag Plugins such as Meta Tag Manager, TaxoPress, Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order, Tag Groups, Pages with category and tag, List category posts, GTM4WP, PixelYourSite, Metronet Tag Manager, Tag Manager, and Multi-column Tag Map offer unique features that can significantly enhance your website’s organization, SEO, visibility, and user experience.

These tools simplify tag management, enabling you to create, manage, optimize, and display tags, categories, and taxonomies effectively. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the plugin that best fits your needs and try it out to reap these benefits. Remember, the effectiveness of your website is greatly influenced by your ability to manage tags effectively.

FAQs About WordPress Tag Plugins

  1. What are WordPress tag plugins and why are they important?

    WordPress tag plugins are tools designed to enhance tagging functionality on WordPress websites. They’re important because they improve content organization, user experience, and SEO by providing advanced tagging features and customization options.
  2. How do WordPress tag plugins improve SEO?

    Tag plugins optimize tags for search engines by generating meta tags, optimizing tag URLs, and preventing duplicate content issues related to tag archives. This helps improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  3. What features do WordPress tag plugins typically offer?

    WordPress tag plugins commonly offer advanced tag management, tag clouds, tag filtering, tag widgets, SEO optimization, and integration with other plugins. These features enhance content organization, user navigation, and overall website functionality.
  4. Can WordPress tag plugins help increase user engagement?

    Yes, by making it easier for visitors to find related content through tags, tag plugins can increase user engagement. Visitors are more likely to spend more time exploring your content if they can easily navigate through relevant topics using tags.
  5. Are WordPress tag plugins customizable to match my website’s design?

    Yes, many tag plugins come with customization options that allow you to tailor the appearance and functionality of tags to match your website’s design and branding. This ensures consistency across your website and enhances its overall aesthetics.
  6. How do WordPress tag plugins simplify tag management?

    Tag plugins offer advanced tag management features such as bulk tag editing, tag renaming, and tag deletion functionalities. These features save time and effort in organizing content by making it easier to manage tags across your website.
  7. Do WordPress tag plugins integrate with other WordPress plugins?

    Yes, some tag plugins integrate with other WordPress plugins, such as those for social sharing or related posts. This integration enhances the overall functionality of your website, providing additional features and options for your visitors.
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