7 Best WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins for Seamless Support

As businesses strive to meet the ever-growing expectations of their clientele, the need for efficient and organized support systems has never been more crucial. Enter WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins – the unsung heroes of customer service in the online realm.

These innovative plugins offer a streamlined solution to managing support inquiries, empowering businesses to deliver timely assistance and foster long-lasting relationships with their customers.

Imagine a scenario where every customer query, concern, or request effortlessly finds its way to your attention, neatly organized and ready for action. With the best WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins at your disposal, this vision becomes a reality.

Say goodbye to scattered emails, missed messages, and frustrated customers – and say hello to a centralized hub where every interaction receives the attention it deserves.

WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins

Fluent Support


Fluent Support is an exceptional WordPress Helpdesk and Customer Support Ticket Plugin designed to enhance customer support and manage customer queries with ease. This versatile plugin is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking for a self-hosted customer support system.

Features and Benefits

  • All-in-one Customer Support Solution: Fluent Support is a centralized platform for customer queries, tracking and managing additional customer data, notes, and overall stats.
  • Customer Portal: Customers can open or view tickets from your website, providing a streamlined support experience.
  • Ticket Segmentation and Reporting: Tickets can be segmented by product, allowing for priority setting and detailed reporting of support agents and customers.
  • Built-in Productivity Tools: This feature allows responses to multiple tickets at once, closing old tickets, and quick editing of customer info.
  • Built for Speed & Productivity: Thanks to VueJS and REST API, Fluent Support offers a super fast and user-friendly experience, reducing the learning curve for new users.
  • Fully GDPR Ready: As a self-hosted WordPress plugin, you own your data without requiring any external SAAS connection.
  • Seamless Integrations & Features: Integrations with WooCommerce, EDD, Membership Plugin, Learning Management System, and BuddyPress/BuddyBoss, enabling a holistic view of your customers for better support.
  • Migrate From Other Support Plugins: Fluent Support provides an easy migration process for users of Awesome Support and SupportCandy.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $129 for a single site.

Awesome Support


Awesome Support – WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin is a versatile and feature-rich support plugin designed to match the capabilities of SAAS solutions such as Zendesk or Helpscout. It provides a seamless customer support experience with its in-built ticketing system, email notifications, file uploads and much more. This plugin can be integrated into your WordPress website in just 5 minutes, providing a comprehensive helpdesk solution for your customers.

Features and Benefits

  • Ticketing: Allows users to submit tickets from the front-end, enabling your agents to respond from the WordPress back-end.
  • Import: Provides a seamless transition to your new helpdesk by importing tickets from Zendesk, Helpscout, and Ticksy.
  • E-mail notifications: Notifies relevant parties of specific actions via customizable e-mails.
  • Restricted access: Keeps all correspondence private between the client and the agents.
  • File upload: Control when files can be uploaded, how many files, and their size.
  • Multiple products: Provides support for as many products as needed.
  • Multiple departments: Supports multiple departments.
  • Custom fields: Set up additional custom fields on your ticket forms for more detailed information.
  • Terms & conditions: Requires users to agree to your terms and conditions before opening a ticket.
  • Old tickets: Easily identify old tickets with tags and limit your viewable ticket list to show old tickets only.
  • Agent collaboration: Allows multiple agents to work on the same ticket and transfer tickets between agents.
  • Sorting and filtering: Provides a flexible sorting, filtering, and tagging system for your tickets.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $69/ year.



The SupportCandy is a complete helpdesk and customer support ticket system for your WordPress site. By seamlessly integrating with your WordPress dashboard, this plugin allows you to efficiently handle and resolve customer queries. With features comparable to top-tier SaaS solutions such as Zendesk, Help Scout, or Freshdesk, SupportCandy is a versatile and feature-packed tool that can elevate your customer support game.

Features and Benefits

  • Unlimited tickets, agents, customers, tags, categories, and custom statuses: This ensures that no matter how large or busy your organization is, SupportCandy can handle it.
  • Advanced custom filter and search functionality: This allows you to easily sort through tickets and find specific ones based on various parameters.
  • Private notes for internal communication of agents: This feature enables agents to communicate internally, ensuring that all relevant information and context is shared.
  • Agent Collision to avoid repetitive messages and confusion: This feature prevents multiple agents from responding to the same ticket, thereby improving efficiency and reducing confusion.
  • Customizable Appearance: Match the look of your helpdesk to your theme, ensuring a consistent and professional look.
  • Premium add-ons: These include Email Piping, WooCommerce Integration, Canned Reply, Assign Agent Rules, SLA (Service Level Agreement), Satisfaction Survey, Automatic Close Tickets, Usergroup, Agentgroup, Schedule Tickets, Knowledgebase Integrations, FAQ Integrations, and more.

Pricing structure

SupportCandy offers a free version with basic features. Premium add-ons have individual pricing ranging from $39.99 to $89.99.

JS Help Desk


JS Help Desk is a top-tier help desk and support plugin for WordPress that offers a comprehensive customer support system. Designed for simplicity and ease of use, JS Help Desk is a professional grade solution packed with a multitude of features that outshine even the most expensive and complex support ticket systems available on the market. The plugin is designed to solve the issues of customer support by creating an efficient and user-friendly support ticket system.

Features and Benefits

  • Professional Helpdesk System: A complete customer support system designed for professionalism and efficiency.
  • User-Friendly with Video Support: Comes with video tutorials for all major functions.
  • Front-end Tickets: Allows users to create tickets from the front-end.
  • Guest Tickets: Users can open support tickets without creating an account.
  • Unlimited Tickets and Agents: There is no limit on the number of tickets or agents.
  • GDPR Compliant: Fully compatible with GDPR law.
  • Multiple Attachments: Users can upload multiple attachments during ticket creation and replies.
  • Powerful Filters and Sorting: Provides powerful filters for both user and admin to search tickets.
  • Priorities: Highlights the importance of tickets with user-defined different colors.
  • Unlimited Departments: Allows creation of departments that relate to the various business units in an organization.
  • Email Notification: Sends email notifications to users, agents, and admin on different actions, like new ticket creation, reply, ticket closure, etc.
  • Custom Fields: Provides 12+ custom fields for user-specific requirements.
  • Translations: Support multi-language and offer 35+ translations.
  • Fully Responsive: Works on all types of devices including smartphones, tables, laptops, and desktops.
  • Reports: Offers detailed reports on tickets handled by staff members, tickets by status, tickets by departments, etc.

Pricing Structure

JS Help Desk is completely free for the base version. However, they offer 35+ premium add-ons for extending the functionality of the plugin. Some of the add-ons include Email Piping, Time Tracking, Paid Support, Agents, Agent Auto Assign, Multi Forms, Merge Tickets, etc. The price of these add-ons ranges from $19 to $39. They also offer bundle packs starting from $99 for a single site license to $499 for unlimited sites license.

Nirweb support


Nirweb Support is a comprehensive WordPress support ticket system plugin designed to streamline your customer service operations. It is especially beneficial for websites that need to manage a high volume of user inquiries, ensuring that every customer query is responded to promptly and efficiently. With Nirweb Support, you can expand your relations with users, improve your product offerings, and offer top-notch support.

Features and Benefits

  • Unlimited Departments: This feature allows you to create as many departments as needed, such as sales, support, or management. This ensures that all your inquiries are well-organized and handled by the right team.
  • Unlimited Representatives: If you need to add various representatives to your team, this feature makes it possible. It means you can scale your support team as your business grows.
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads: This feature allows users to select the product they purchased when sending a ticket. It also enables only customers who have made purchases to send tickets, ensuring high-quality support for your paying customers.
  • Prepared Answers: This feature allows you to create pre-made responses for frequently asked questions. It saves time and ensures swift responses to your customers.
  • Ticket Search: This feature lets you search for tickets based on ID or subject, making it easier to track and manage inquiries.
  • AJAX Development: This feature enhances the appearance of ticket sending and searching, ensuring an efficient and visually-pleasing user experience.
  • Floating Support Icon: This feature allows you to display a custom icon on your webpage, reminding your users that you have a support system ready to assist them.
  • Unlimited Tickets, Agents, Users, Products, and Pre-Answers: With these features, you have the freedom to scale your support operations without any limitations.
  • Email Notifications: This feature ensures that both agents and users are updated on ticket events such as new tickets or replies.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $64.

Majestic Support


Majestic Support is an exceptional WordPress plugin designed to manage and streamline your customer support services. This top-tier ticket system enables customers to generate and manage support tickets online, effectively enhancing their support experience. The plugin fulfills the need for a seamless, efficient customer service system, eliminating the need for customers to register to submit tickets, providing the administrator with control over the support form customization, and allowing customers to attach files to their tickets.

Features and Benefits

  • Front-End Ticket Creation: Users can create tickets directly from the front end of your website, streamlining the process for both users and administrators.
  • Customizable Smart Reply Answers: The plugin allows you to modify ticket-specific smart reply answers.
  • Support Icons Placement: You have the option to place support icons in various locations on your website.
  • Unlimited Agents: The plugin allows you to manage an unlimited number of agents in the base version.
  • User Data Management: Users can request to have their data removed, and administrators can delete or anonymize it.
  • Unlimited Tickets: The base version does not impose ticket limitations.
  • Multiple Attachments: A user, agent, or administrator can upload several attachments while creating a ticket or replying to a ticket.
  • Agent Performance Reports: The plugin provides valuable insights into the performance of your support system.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $69 for a single site.

WordPress Advanced Ticket System


The WordPress Advanced Ticket System, also known as Elite Support Helpdesk, is a comprehensive plugin that adds a full-featured support ticket system to your WordPress website. It enables users to submit tickets to report problems or request support directly through your site. The plugin offers customizable ticket statuses, priorities, product categorization, and types, making it an ideal choice for advanced issue management.

Features and Benefits

  • Ticket submission through the admin: Simplifies the process for registered and unregistered users.
  • Call centre ticket submission and update feature: Facilitates efficient issue management.
  • Preset values for priority, status, type, and product: Admin control over settings for comprehensive management.
  • Ticket statistics available through dashboard and frontend widgets: Enhances tracking capabilities.
  • Smooth integration with WordPress themes: Ensures consistent user experience.

The premium version offers additional features such as

  • Frontend and email ticket submission: Offers more flexibility to users.
  • Ticket assignment feature: Facilitates better organization and management.
  • File uploader: Allows attaching files to tickets.
  • HTML WYSIWYG editor: Enables easy ticket submission and updating.
  • Email notifications: Sent for new ticket submissions, updates, and based on due dates.
  • Advanced user profile features and scalability: Makes it suitable for large websites.
  • The plugin can be utilized as a technical support software, complaint ticket system, IT ticketing system, repair tracking system, CRM system, helpdesk system, and more.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use.

What are WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins

WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins are tools you can add to your WordPress website that allow you to set up a system for handling customer support inquiries. They essentially turn your WordPress site into a mini-helpdesk.

Here’s a breakdown of how they work:

  • Users submit tickets: With these plugins, visitors to your site can submit requests for help or report issues using a form on your site. The plugin creates a “ticket” for each request.
  • Track and manage tickets: The plugin stores and tracks these tickets. This allows you to see all the requests at a glance, assign them to specific support agents (if you have multiple people handling support), and track their progress toward resolution.
  • Communication: Both you and the user can then communicate back and forth through the ticket itself. You can add notes, ask clarifying questions, and provide updates on the progress of the issue.

There are several different WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins available, some free and some with paid plans that offer additional features. Here are some of the things to consider when choosing a plugin:

  • Ease of use: How easy is it for both you and your users to submit tickets and communicate through the system?
  • Features: What features are important to you? Some common features include canned responses, ticket prioritization, and the ability for users to upload files.
  • Scalability: If you expect to receive a high volume of support tickets, you’ll need a plugin that can handle it.

Final Word

The right WordPress support ticket system plugin can revolutionize your customer support, making it more efficient, user-friendly, and customizable. Whether you need to handle a high volume of inquiries, segment tickets by product, or ensure GDPR compliance, these plugins can help you achieve those goals.

These can help you grow your audience, increase engagement, and establish authority in your niche. So don’t hesitate, take the next step and enhance your website with these amazing tools.

FAQs About WordPress Support Ticket System Plugins

  1. What is a WordPress Support Ticket System Plugin?

    A WordPress Support Ticket System Plugin is a tool designed to streamline and manage customer support inquiries within WordPress websites. It enables users to create, organize, and respond to support tickets efficiently.
  2. Why should I use a Support Ticket System Plugin for my WordPress site?

    Using a Support Ticket System Plugin can enhance the customer support experience on your WordPress site by centralizing all support requests, tracking their progress, and ensuring timely responses. It helps in organizing inquiries, reducing response times, and improving overall customer satisfaction.
  3. How does a Support Ticket System Plugin benefit my business?

    Implementing a Support Ticket System Plugin can significantly benefit your business by improving customer support efficiency, reducing workload through automation, providing better visibility into support operations, and ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Are Support Ticket System Plugins easy to integrate into WordPress?

    Yes, most Support Ticket System Plugins are designed to be user-friendly and easy to integrate into WordPress sites. They typically offer straightforward installation processes and intuitive interfaces for managing support tickets within the WordPress dashboard.
  5. Can I customize the appearance and functionality of a Support Ticket System Plugin?

    Yes, many Support Ticket System Plugins for WordPress offer customization options to match the look and feel of your website. You can often customize ticket submission forms, email notifications, and other aspects to align with your brand identity and specific requirements.
  6. Are Support Ticket System Plugins compatible with other WordPress plugins and themes?

    Most reputable Support Ticket System Plugins are developed to be compatible with popular WordPress plugins and themes. However, it’s always advisable to check compatibility before installation, especially if you’re using specialized themes or plugins.
  7. Do Support Ticket System Plugins offer multi-agent support?

    Yes, many Support Ticket System Plugins allow you to assign tickets to multiple agents or support staff members. This feature facilitates collaboration, ensures faster resolution times, and enables efficient management of support workload.
  8. Are Support Ticket System Plugins secure?

    Top-quality Support Ticket System Plugins prioritize security to protect sensitive customer information and prevent unauthorized access. They often employ encryption, secure authentication methods, and regular security updates to safeguard your support system and customer data.
  9. Can Support Ticket System Plugins help me track and analyze support metrics?

    Yes, most Support Ticket System Plugins come with built-in reporting and analytics features that allow you to track various metrics such as ticket volume, response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction scores. These insights can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your support processes.
  10. Are there free options available for Support Ticket System Plugins?

    Yes, there are free Support Ticket System Plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository. However, for advanced features and premium support, you may need to invest in premium versions or subscriptions offered by plugin developers.
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