6 Best WordPress Product Catalog Plugins for Effortless Display

Looking to create a captivating product catalog on your WordPress website? One that not only showcases your products effectively but also enhances the user experience? Our list of best WordPress Product Catalog Plugins is here to transform your eCommerce platform into a dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly catalog that drives conversions.

Whether you’re a digital marketer, a web developer, or a business owner, the need for an efficient and visually appealing product catalog on your WordPress website is evident.

This listicle provides a comprehensive guide to various WordPress Product Catalog Plugins, detailing their unique features, benefits, and pricing structures. By the end of this read, you will have discovered the perfect plugin to upgrade your WordPress product catalog. Let’s dive in!

Best WordPress Product Catalog Plugins

Ultimate Product Catalog


The Ultimate Product Catalog is a highly responsive WordPress plugin designed to enhance your e-commerce platform by showcasing your products in a sleek, modern layout. This plugin is an essential tool that addresses the need for an organized and interactive product catalog that allows for easy navigation and a seamless user experience.

Features and Benefits

  • 3 Product Catalog Layouts: Provides three different product catalog styles that users can dynamically view and switch without reloading the page, enhancing the user experience by offering a variety of viewing options.
  • Powerful Product Catalog Filtering and Sorting System: Allows for real-time filtering and sorting of products by categories, sub-categories, price, and product name, making it easier for customers to find exactly what they’re looking for.
  • Dynamic Product Catalog Search: Works in conjunction with the filtering system to provide quick and accurate search results, improving the efficiency of finding products.
  • Sale Price Setting: Allows you to set sale prices for products and easily toggle sale prices on and off for the entire catalog or individual products, giving you control over your pricing strategy.
  • Product Organization: Enables you to organize your product catalog into categories and sub-categories, facilitating an easy search and filter process for customers.
  • Extra Blocks for Product Catalog Search Field: Allows you to add a product catalog search field and display recent products, a product list, or random products anywhere on your site, enhancing site navigation and product exposure.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $57.

eCommerce Product Catalog Plugin for WordPress


The eCommerce Product Catalog plugin for WordPress is a versatile and user-friendly tool that can transform any WordPress site into a fully functional eCommerce store or a simple product catalog website.

This plugin is a solution to the problem of displaying, organizing, and managing products effectively on a WordPress site, providing a straightforward and efficient way to handle product management.

Features and Benefits

  • Display products: This plugin allows users to display products anywhere on their WordPress website, with or without price, providing flexibility in product presentation.
  • Customization: Users can fully customize their product display with WordPress Customizer, template files, or CSS, creating a unique and tailored look for their product catalogs.
  • Organization: The plugin allows for organization of products into multi-level categories, tags, and multiple product catalogs, making product management easier and more efficient.
  • Filtering: Users can filter products in various ways, helping customers find what they’re looking for more easily.
  • Product search: The addition of a product search function makes products more easily discoverable.
  • Import and Export: The plugin allows for easy import and export of products with a CSV spreadsheet, making product management more efficient.
  • Request a quote: Visitors to the site can request a quote for all or selected products from the product catalog, facilitating customer interaction and potential sales.
  • eCommerce functionality: Users can enable full WordPress eCommerce functionality at any time to create a shop or online store with or without payments.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use.

WooCommerce Catalog Booster & Product Catalog Mode


In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, enhancing your WooCommerce layout and functionality is key to staying ahead. The WooCommerce Catalog Booster & Product Catalog Mode plugin is a versatile solution that caters to these needs.

It enables you to manage your WooCommerce layout, disable certain functionalities, and customize your product listing and product pages. This plugin is the ultimate tool for those who want to redefine their WooCommerce store and create a captivating product catalog.

Features and Benefits

  • Disable WooCommerce Parts: With this plugin, you can easily disable components such as the shopping cart, price, ratings, and reviews, which is beneficial for businesses that want to streamline their WooCommerce store and focus on specific functionalities.
  • Add a Button to Each WooCommerce Product Page: The plugin allows you to add a button with a custom label to each product page, providing flexibility as each product can have a different button URL or no button at all.
  • Enhance Your Store Look: The WooCommerce Catalog Booster, in conjunction with eCommerce Product Catalog, offers three modern product listing templates, enabling you to give your store a fresh and appealing look in just a few seconds.
  • Simplify Your Product Page Design: The plugin offers two different product page designs and allows you to disable the lightbox or image with a single click, giving you the freedom to create a product page that aligns with your branding.
  • Enable Separate Catalog: For businesses that have a group of products not for sale or available only with an “ask for price” option, this plugin makes it easy to create a separate product catalog, ensuring your products are well organized and easy for customers to navigate.
  • Translations: The plugin supports English as a default language and is also open to translations, making it accessible to users worldwide.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from

Product Catalog Simple


Product Catalog Simple is a versatile and free WordPress plugin that allows you to manage and display your unique catalog, be it flowers, houses, boats, mixed products, services, or your portfolio. This plugin solves the problem of cataloging your items in a user-friendly, customizable, and responsive design.

Features and Benefits

  • Built with WordPress Developed with WordPress functions for maximum compatibility with other plugins.
  • Total output control Admins have complete control over the plugin output with customizable templates and shortcodes, providing flexibility.
  • User-Friendly Design The plugin has three different responsive product listing styles, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Modularity Philosophy You can disable unnecessary functionality, making the plugin adaptable to your needs.
  • Customizable dashboard Personalize your catalog name for a customized admin experience.
  • Display Items with a Shortcode With the use of shortcodes, you can display items on any page of your website.
  • Display Categories with a Shortcode You can showcase item categories on any page of your website using shortcodes.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use.

Product Catalog Mode For WooCommerce


The Product Catalog Mode for WooCommerce plugin is a powerful tool that transforms your online store into a user-friendly, interactive product catalog. This plugin addresses the need for a simplified and more efficient way to showcase your products, engage with potential customers, and drive conversions.

By providing a streamlined platform for customer inquiries, and a customizable inquiry form, this plugin helps elevate your online presence and enhance your business’s visibility.

Features and Benefits

  • Enable Catalog Mode: This feature allows you to convert your WooCommerce site into a comprehensive product catalog or restrict it to specific products, providing a structured and organized way for customers to browse your products.
  • Hide ‘Add to Cart’: This option gives you the flexibility to hide the ‘Add to Cart’ button, allowing you to display products without pushing for immediate sales.
  • Gather Inquiries: The plugin enables you to collect customer inquiries for each product variation, helping you to better understand your customer’s interests and needs.
  • Manage Price Visibility: This feature allows you to control the visibility of product prices, encouraging customer inquiries and lead generation.
  • Inquiry Button: The plugin allows you to place the Enquiry & Quote Request Buttons anywhere on your website using a shortcode, giving you the flexibility to choose the most strategic and effective locations for these buttons.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use with the premium version starting from $499.

Product Enquiry for WooCommerce, WooCommerce product catalog


The Product Enquiry for WooCommerce plugin is an essential tool for any e-commerce business looking to enhance their customer engagement and sales. Recognized as one of the best WordPress Product Catalog plugins, this tool serves as an efficient paywall plugin, enabling customers to make inquiries or request quotes for products directly from your digital catalog.

This not only enhances customer engagement but also provides a streamlined shopping experience by allowing multiple products to be added to an enquiry cart simultaneously.

Features and Benefits

  • Enquiry button on Shop/Category and Single product page: Enhances customer engagement by providing a direct line of communication about specific products.
  • Cart of inquiry creation: Allows customers to inquire about multiple products at once, saving time and making the shopping experience more convenient.
  • Enquiry detail email receipts: Provides comprehensive records of customer inquiries for future reference.
  • Customizable enquiry button: Allows you to tailor the appearance of the enquiry button to fit seamlessly with your website design.
  • Variable product support (PRO): Enables enquiries for products with different variations.
  • Option to show the enquiry button only when the product is out of stock (PRO): Effectively manages customer expectations and inquiries for out-of-stock products.

Pricing Structure

The plugin is free to use.

What Are WordPress Product Catalog Plugins

WordPress product catalog plugins are specialized tools designed to help website owners create, manage, and display a catalog of products on their WordPress sites. These plugins are particularly useful for businesses that want to showcase their products online without necessarily having a full-fledged e-commerce system. Here’s an overview of what they are and how they can be beneficial:

What Are WordPress Product Catalog Plugins?

  1. Product Display: These plugins allow you to list products in an organized manner with details such as product name, description, price, images, and other relevant information.
  2. Customization Options: They offer various customization options to match the product display with the site’s overall design and branding.
  3. Search and Filter: Many catalog plugins come with search and filter functionalities, making it easier for customers to find products based on specific criteria.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: These plugins typically provide a user-friendly interface for adding and managing products, which can include bulk upload options and drag-and-drop functionality.
  5. Integration: Some plugins integrate with other WordPress plugins or third-party services, such as WooCommerce, for enhanced functionality.

How Are They Useful?

  1. Showcasing Products: They allow businesses to effectively showcase their products in a visually appealing and organized manner, which can enhance the customer browsing experience.
  2. Non-E-Commerce Sites: For businesses that don’t need a full e-commerce solution but still want to display their products, these plugins provide a simple and efficient way to do so.
  3. SEO Benefits: Well-structured product catalogs can improve SEO by providing detailed product descriptions and metadata, making it easier for search engines to index the products.
  4. Customer Engagement: Features like search and filter options can improve customer engagement by making it easier for visitors to find exactly what they are looking for.
  5. Inventory Management: Some plugins offer basic inventory management features, allowing businesses to keep track of their stock directly from the WordPress dashboard.
  6. Professional Appearance: A well-designed product catalog can give a professional appearance to the website, which can build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  7. Scalability: Many of these plugins are scalable, allowing businesses to start with a basic setup and add more features as their product range grows.

Final Word

There is a multitude of WordPress product catalog plugins available that can significantly enhance your website’s e-commerce capabilities. These plugins offer features such as improved product organization, advanced filtering and sorting systems, dynamic search features, and robust customization options.

By incorporating these plugins into your website, you can elevate your online presence, improve user engagement, and ultimately drive your business growth. So, why wait? Take the next step to elevate your website and achieve your business goals.

FAQs about WordPress Product Catalog Plugins

1. What are WordPress Product Catalog Plugins?

WordPress product catalog plugins are tools that enable website owners to create and manage a catalog of products on their WordPress sites. These plugins provide features for displaying products with detailed information like images, descriptions, prices, and more.

2. Can I use a product catalog plugin without enabling e-commerce functionality?

Yes, many product catalog plugins allow you to showcase products without enabling e-commerce functionalities such as a shopping cart and checkout process. This is ideal for businesses that want to display their products without selling them online.

3. Are product catalog plugins mobile-friendly?

Most modern product catalog plugins are designed to be responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring that your product catalog looks good and functions well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

4. Can I customize the appearance of my product catalog?

Yes, product catalog plugins typically offer a range of customization options. You can often change layouts, colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your website’s branding.

5. Do product catalog plugins support product filtering and search?

Many product catalog plugins come with built-in search and filtering options. These features allow users to easily find products based on categories, tags, price ranges, and other attributes.

6. Is it possible to import/export products with these plugins?

Yes, many product catalog plugins support importing and exporting products via CSV files. This functionality is useful for bulk uploading products or transferring product data between different platforms.

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