4 Best WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins for eCommerce Store

Are you a WooCommerce store owner looking to elevate your customers’ shopping experience? If so, WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins are just what you need. These plugins allow your customers to personalize their products, thereby adding a touch of uniqueness to their purchases. These powerful tools empower your customers to tailor products to their unique needs and desires, fostering deeper engagement and boosting conversion rates.

With the ever-growing eCommerce market, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the game by offering your customers a rich and interactive shopping experience. WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins are invaluable tools in this regard. They not only simplify the product customization process but also allow for seamless management of product variations. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge of the best WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins to boost your store’s functionality and user engagement.

Advanced Product Fields (Product Addons) for WooCommerce


Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce is a comprehensive plugin that offers an effective solution to adding extra product options or form input fields to your WooCommerce product pages. This plugin is ideal for businesses that offer customizable products, like personalized t-shirts or build-your-own pizzas, which can’t be built with WooCommerce out-of-the-box.

Features and Benefits

  • Intuitive and beautiful backend builder: The plugin offers a user-friendly backend builder similar to Advanced Custom Fields.
  • Variety of form elements: Users can choose from 10 different form elements including text field, text area, email, URL, number, select (drop-down), checkboxes, radio buttons, true/false, and paragraph.
  • Conditional logic: This feature allows fields to show or hide based on other input fields.
  • Price increment: The plugin enables users to add a flat fee to products depending on the field value(s).
  • Speed optimization: Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce is optimized for speed and is faster than other plugins in this genre.
  • Visibility options: Users can decide on which product(s) to show their fields.
  • Multilanguage support: The plugin is already translated in English, French, German, Spanish, and Dutch and is translation-ready for other languages.
  • The premium version of the plugin offers additional features including support for modern themes using “ajax add to cart” technology, more field types, content fields to add content to product pages, more pricing options, repeatable fields, quantity-based fields, and support for multilingual stores.

Pricing Structure

Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce offers a free version, but it has some limitations. The pricing for the premium version of the plugin starts at $49 for a single site license, $99 for a 5 sites license, and $199 for a 25 sites license. All these prices are for annual subscriptions and come with one year of updates and support.

Product Configurator for WooCommerce


Product Configurator for WooCommerce is a revolutionary plugin that transforms the way you present your products to your customers. It eliminates the need for multiple product variations and their corresponding images, by using layers to create instant visuals. This offers customers an interactive and engaging experience as they configure their desired product on your WordPress site. It solves the problem of complex product presentation and variation management, making both the shopping experience enjoyable for customers and product management easy for shop owners.

Features and Benefits

  • Layers: The plugin uses transparent images as layers to create the final product image. This feature allows for a more visual and interactive shopping experience for customers.
  • Multiple Views: This feature allows you to display different parts of your products, giving a comprehensive view and understanding of the product to customers.
  • Multiple Steps: For complex products, this feature enables you to split your configurator into different steps, making the purchase process easier and more understandable for your customers.
  • Price per Option: This feature allows you to charge an additional price for each option that requires it. This helps in better pricing management for your products.
  • Form Fields: This feature allows the user to input data such as text or numbers, as well as send files with their configuration.
  • Calculate Complex Prices: The plugin can calculate complex prices with custom formulas. This feature aids in accurate pricing of your products.
  • Conditional Logic: This feature enables you to build complex products, hide or show elements dynamically depending on previous selection or other parameters.
  • Stock Management: This feature helps you to manage stock of your configurator items, directly in the configurator, or by linking other products in the shop.

Pricing Structure

The Product Configurator for WooCommerce plugin comes without limitations. However, for additional functionalities, various premium add-ons are available starting from $49.

For custom needs, you can contact the developer directly for a quote.

Visual Product Configurator for Woocommerce Lite


The Visual Product Configurator for WooCommerce is a plugin designed to simplify the customization process for complex composite products. It allows your customers to visually configure their desired product, making the selection process more engaging, effective, and user-friendly. This plugin is the perfect solution for businesses that offer highly customizable products, such as controllers, bikes, furniture, helmets, and sunglasses.

Features and Benefits

  • Visual Configuration: This feature enables your customers to see a real-time visual representation of their customized product, enhancing their shopping experience and increasing conversion rates.
  • Compatibility: This plugin works with any complex product, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of businesses.
  • Conditional Logic: This feature allows you to show or hide options or components based on the customer’s selections, enabling a more intuitive and streamlined customization process.
  • Multiple Options Selection: This feature allows customers to select multiple options within the same component, offering a higher level of customization.
  • Linked Products: This feature allows you to link existing products to an option, triggering all actions related to the linked product once the order is made.

Pricing Structure

The Visual Product Configurator for WooCommerce offers a free Lite version with basic features. For advanced features like Conditional Logic, Multiple Options Selection, Linked Products, and Priority Support, you can upgrade to the Pro version.

Fancy Product designer

WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins

Fancy Product Designer is a powerful plugin for WordPress that empowers users to create customizable products with ease. With its intuitive visual design interface, users can offer personalized products such as t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, and more, directly on their WooCommerce store. This plugin provides a seamless integration with WordPress and WooCommerce, allowing businesses to enhance their e-commerce offerings and provide a unique shopping experience to their customers.

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Visual Product Customization: Fancy Product Designer offers a user-friendly visual design interface that allows customers to customize products in real-time, enabling them to see how their changes affect the final product.
  2. Customizable Design Options: Users can offer a wide range of design options, including text, images, colors, and shapes, allowing customers to create truly unique and personalized products.
  3. Flexible Product Configurations: The plugin supports various product types and configurations, including simple products, variable products, and composite products, providing flexibility in offering customizable items.
  4. Conditional Logic: Users can set rules and dependencies for product options using conditional logic, ensuring a smooth and intuitive customization process for customers.
  5. Mobile Responsive Design: The plugin’s interface is optimized for mobile devices, allowing customers to customize products on the go, enhancing accessibility and convenience.
  6. Seamless Integration: Fancy Product Designer seamlessly integrates with WordPress and WooCommerce, allowing users to manage customizable products directly from the WordPress dashboard and track orders effortlessly.
  7. Enhanced User Experience: By offering personalized products and a visual customization experience, businesses can improve customer engagement, increase conversions, and foster brand loyalty.

Pricing Structure

The pricing starts from $59.

What Are WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins

WooCommerce Product Configurator plugins are tools designed to enhance the functionality of WooCommerce, which is a popular e-commerce platform built on WordPress. These plugins allow users to create customizable products with various options and configurations, offering a more personalized shopping experience for customers.

Here are some common features and functionalities provided by WooCommerce Product Configurator plugins:

  1. Product Customization: These plugins enable customers to customize products according to their preferences. This customization can include selecting colors, sizes, materials, adding text or images, and choosing from various options and configurations.
  2. Dynamic Pricing: Some plugins offer dynamic pricing options based on the customizations made by the customer. Prices may vary depending on the selected options and configurations.
  3. Visual Product Configuration: Many plugins provide a visual interface for customers to see how their customizations affect the final product. This can include real-time previews or 3D visualizations to help customers make informed decisions.
  4. Conditional Logic: Conditional logic allows users to set rules and dependencies for product options. For example, certain options may only be available if specific conditions are met, ensuring a smooth and intuitive customization process.
  5. Integration with WooCommerce: These plugins seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce, allowing users to manage customizable products within the WooCommerce dashboard, track orders, manage inventory, and apply standard e-commerce functionalities.
  6. Compatibility with Themes and Plugins: WooCommerce Product Configurator plugins are designed to work with various WordPress themes and other WooCommerce extensions, ensuring compatibility and flexibility.
  7. Support for Various Product Types: Whether you’re selling simple products, variable products, or composite products, these plugins offer support for different product types, enabling customization for a wide range of offerings.
  8. User Experience Optimization: These plugins focus on providing a user-friendly interface for both customers and administrators, streamlining the product customization process and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Final Word

WooCommerce Product Configurator plugins such as Advanced Product Fields, Product Configurator, and Visual Product Configurator are excellent tools for businesses offering customizable products, providing robust features like multiple form elements, conditional logic, visual configuration, and more. These plugins enhance customers’ shopping experience while simplifying product management for shop owners.

It’s recommended to review the features and pricing of each plugin to determine which best fits your business needs. Try these plugins today, read more detailed reviews, or engage with us through comments or sharing to enhance your WooCommerce store.

FAQs About WooCommerce Product Configuration Plugins

  1. What are WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins?

    WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins are tools designed to enhance the functionality of WooCommerce, allowing users to create customizable products with various options and configurations.
  2. How do WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins improve the shopping experience?

    These plugins enable customers to personalize products according to their preferences, offering a more engaging and interactive shopping experience.
  3. Can I offer dynamic pricing with WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins?

    Yes, many plugins offer dynamic pricing options based on the customizations made by the customer, allowing for flexible pricing structures.
  4. Do WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins support visual product configuration?

    Yes, most plugins provide a visual interface for customers to see how their customizations affect the final product, facilitating informed decision-making.
  5. Are WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins compatible with different product types?

    Yes, these plugins support various product types, including simple products, variable products, and composite products, ensuring flexibility in customization.
  6. How do I manage customizable products with WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins?

    These plugins seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce, allowing users to manage customizable products within the WooCommerce dashboard, track orders, and manage inventory.
  7. Can I set rules and dependencies for product options with WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins?

    Yes, many plugins offer conditional logic functionalities, enabling users to set rules and dependencies for product options, ensuring a smooth customization process.
  8. Which are some popular WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugins?

    Examples include WooCommerce Product Add-Ons, WooCommerce Composite Products, Fancy Product Designer, and WooCommerce Product Configurator.
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