Sydney Toolbox

Sydney Toolbox

Registers custom post types and custom fields for the Sydney theme
Active Installations:
Last Updated:
May 07, 2024
WordPress Version:
4.0 or higher
Tested up to:

Enhanced Functionality

Unlock additional features.

This Sydney Toolbox plugin seamlessly integrates with the Sydney WordPress theme, enhancing its functionality by registering custom post types and custom fields. With this plugin, you can easily create and manage advanced content types that are specifically designed for the Sydney theme, allowing you to take your website to the next level.

Streamlined Workflow

Simplify content creation.


  • added wpml-config.xml file


  • fixed missing escaping in slider widget


  • fixed security issue


  • fixed divider error


  • updated Elementor widget register code
  • addeed option to change testimonials speed


  • updated some deprecated functions
  • add option to change the text in the gallery widget


  • added testimonials skin
  • new options for portfolio, employees, posts blocks


  • added portfolio Elementor widget and options
  • fixed slider widget issue


  • fixed repeater control error in preview mode for employees, portfolio etc.
  • fixed single employee widget color issue
  • employee widget: social icons now display only when values are present


  • Fontawesome changes


  • Fixed team slider not working in live preview


  • Added Elementor slider block


  • Added missing alt tags


  • Added new Shop demo. For the best design experience, the Sydney theme also needs to be updated.


  • Changed JS to provide greater compatibility with other plugins using Owl.


  • Fixed untranslatable string from custom Elementor portfolio block


  • Changed font icons to SVGs


  • Fixed Sydney Pro conflict


  • Added demo content for Sydney


  • Bumped compatibility to 5.3


  • Added PHP version check. Minimum required version is 5.4.


  • Added Elementor blocks and support


  • Updated version number


  • Loading logic change for singles metabox


  • Initial version

Works as it should

By bogger1234 on April 11, 2021

I installed Sydney Toolbox on Wordpress 5.7 with my Sydney theme and it works flawlessly. I can confirm the plugin is fixed and replaces my old toolbox plugin. I can recommend this plugin. Thank you for providing it!

4 months since last review, still broke

By jeh6421 on March 7, 2021

crashes your website if enabled


By theadmindoomsday on October 30, 2020

This causes an error with the site to the point it does not allow the site to even start. No way to fix it unless you remove the files via ftp or go back to an older backup/snapshot. Completely removed it now. Ridiculous they have not fixed it in months.

Erro critico que tira o site do ar, quando atualizado

By cjmendonca on August 14, 2020

Não tem assitencia e esta com erro grave, que tira o site do ar

Breaks entire site

By mmonty on July 6, 2020

Plugin causes entire website to crash when activated. Had to fix by deleting it via FTP...

Website crashed after activating this Plug-in

By ingejanssen on May 29, 2020

By activiating version 1.11 my website crashed and I had to rename this Plugin via FTP to be able to access my website again. I won't activate it again. Too much risk.

Version 1.09 error trashes whole web site

By jaak68 on April 3, 2020

May be a directory issue with wp-content/themes/sydney/ instead of wp-content/themes/sydney-toolbox/ update blew up the whole site with a fatal error Recovered using full backup from month ago

Version 1.09 error

By jerik1 on March 31, 2020

Version 1.09 is giving me HTTP ERROR 500 for the whole website :-(

Great Theme

By mrbondx on March 6, 2020

Sydney is a great theme. Only giving you guys a 4 because even though xfn supports Https you decided to use http for their link and google picks up on such things and labels a website insecure. Please add https. Otherwise overall great job.

Perfect support team

By yosraa on August 27, 2018

Thanks for supporting me to solve my problem! I didn't excpect it would be so fast and I'm really happy for that. I gave you 5 stars because I find this plugin usefull and because you have such a great team of supprt :))
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Try Sydney Toolbox With InstaWP

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