Font Awesome

Font Awesome

The official way to use Font Awesome Free or Pro icons on your site, brought to you by the Font Awesome team.
Active Installations:
Last Updated:
Aug 03, 2023
WordPress Version:
4.7 or higher
Tested up to:

Easy installation and setup

Our official plugin allows you to easily install and enable Font Awesome icons on your website. With just a few simple steps, you can start using Font Awesome icons in no time.

Choose from a wide range of icons

Whether you prefer the Free or Pro icons, our plugin gives you the option to choose from a vast collection of icons. You can also choose the style of icons (SVG or Web Font) that suits your website design.

Resolve conflicts and ensure compatibility

Our plugin includes a Conflict Detection Scanner that helps you troubleshoot and resolve any conflicts with other versions of Font Awesome that may be loading on your site. This ensures that your icons are displayed correctly and without any technical issues.


  • Update the Icon Chooser to fix the use of Sharp Solid in more recent versions of Font Awesome,
    and include Sharp Regular and Sharp Light.
  • Add the “defer” attribute to script tags when in “Use a Kit” mode. This was already the behavior
    under “Use CDN” mode.
  • Fix some deprecation notices for php 8.2.


  • Security Fix: escape shortcode attribute values.


  • Increase network request timeout to accommodate some slow-running Icon Chooser searches.
    We’ve recently added some new functionality to the Font Awesome API server. We’re in
    the process of optimizing it for performance. In the meantime, some icon searches that
    return lots of search results are running slowly. Increasing the timeout
    allows those searches to run longer before considering it an error.


  • Introduce support for Sharp Solid.
    The Icon Chooser now includes Sharp Solid among the available styles when using
    a Font Awesome Pro Kit.
  • Introduce support for WordPress multisite. Allows installing the plugin network-wide
    and configuring each site separately.
    Previous versions of this plugin were not compatible with multisite, though it was
    possible to install and get partial functionality on multisite. However, this
    could also result in a confusing database state. If you’re running multisite,
    it’s important that any installation of a previous plugin version is totally cleaned
    up before trying to install this version. Upgrading on multisite without cleaning up
    first will probably result in an error. A previous installation can usually be
    cleaned up by deactivating and uninstalling it. Uninstall must be done by clicking
    “Delete” on the deactivated plugin’s entry in the plugin list in the admin dashboard.
    It may also work to install the previous 4.2.0 version and then uninstall it, just
    to get its cleanup code to run.
    This has no impact on sites that are not running in multisite mode. If you’re not
    running multisite, upgrading to this version should be smooth and problem-free.


  • Make Font Awesome 6 the default version on new activations.
  • On the version selection dropdown, distinguish between the latest 5.x and the latest 6.x.
  • Maintenance updates to JavaScript dependencies.
  • Developers: the latest_version() method has been deprecated and replaced by two alternatives:
    latest_version_5() and latest_version_6().


  • Simplified upgrade logic: makes the upgrade process on the first page load
    after upgrade quicker and smoother.


  • Added support for using Font Awesome Version 6 Free with CDN. In order to use
    Version 6 Pro with this plugin, it’s still necessary to use a Kit,
    since Version 6 Pro is not available on the classic CDN.
  • Renamed the “Version 4 Compatibility” option as “Older Version Compatibility”,
    since compatibility features may now involve both Version 4 and Version 5.
  • Updated version of the conflict detection script used when configured for CDN.
  • FIX: in some cases, when running the conflict detector on the back end,
    there was an error about an undefined variable called $should_enable_icon_chooser.
  • FIX: in some cases, when running php 8.0 or higher, there was an error related to
    calling method_exists(). Fixed.
  • Developers: The v4_compatibility() method has been deprecated and will be removed
    in a future release. It’s now just compatibility().
  • Developers: The preference named “v4Compat” in the array argument to the register()
    method has been deprecated and renamed “compat”. Any uses of “v4Compat” are automatically
    translated to “compat”.
  • Developers: There are no breaking changes. Any code that uses the above deprecated
    features will continue to work the same without modification in this release.


  • FIX: add hash values to JavaScript chunk file names to resolve the problem where
    sometimes an old cached version of a JavaScript file would load in the browser
    instead of the intended updated one. This caused some users to see a blank
    settings page after upgrading from a previous version of the plugin.


  • FIX: When in the Classic Editor in WordPress 5, do not load block editor
    script dependencies that assign to the global wp.editor object.
    This prevents problems with other plugins on the page that may depend on that
  • FIX: When in the Classic Editor where multiple editor instances are present,
    ensure that the Add Font Awesome media button on each is wired up to
    load the Icon Chooser on click, not just those buttons that were on the page
    at the time this plugin’s initialization code is run.


  • FIX: re-enable the Icon Chooser in the Classic Editor on WordPress 4.
  • FIX: in some cases where the path to the plugin was a non-standard
    location–such as when installed via composer–the admin settings page and
    Icon Chooser would not load correctly. Fixed.
  • FIX: the global version of the lodash JavaScript library was again being overwritten
    by the version used by this plugin. Fixed.
  • The Icon Chooser’s integration with the Block Editor (Gutenberg) has been disabled
    for WordPress 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, due to incomptabile JavaScript libraries.
    All other features of the plugin work normally on those versions, including
    Icon Chooser integration with the Classic Editor.


  • FIX: In scenarios where both Gutenberg (Block) and TinyMCE (Classic)
    editors were being loaded onto the same page, the Gutenberg editor was not
    displaying properly.
    Now, in that multi-editor situation, the Icon Chooser integration is only enabled
    for the block editor.
    In those cases, you can still use icon shortcodes or HTML in
    the TinyMCE editor boxes; those editors just won’t have the “Add Font Awesome”
    media button for opening the Icon Chooser.
    The Icon Chooser is still available from the Classic Editor when the block editor
    is not present on the page.
  • FIX: In scenarios where there are multiple TinyMCE editor instances on the same page,
    such as WooCommerce product editing pages, only the “Add Font Awesome” media
    button on the first of those editors was working correctly. Now all of them work
  • FIX: In the Classic Editor, when other themes or plugins added media buttons after
    the “Add Font Awesome” button, those buttons were showing up as combined together
    and not working properly. Now they’re separated and working great.
  • The Icon Chooser integration for the Classic Editor in WordPress 4 has been temporarily
    disabled. Everything else works as before in WP4, just not the new Icon Chooser.


  • FEATURES: Includes all the features from the early 4.0.0 release candidates (details below)
  • FEATURE: Visual icon chooser lets you search and easily insert the correct shortcode.
  • Fixed regression on overriding global lodash version.
  • Added PHP API method to get current Kit token.
  • Removed the filter to process all shortcodes in widget text. This seems to have been
    an overly eager approach on our part. If you want shortcodes to be processed
    in widget text – all shortcodes, not just this plugin’s icon shortcode – you can
    add a line like this to your theme’s functions.php file:
    add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );


  • FIX: plugin now handles Kits with version “5.x” or “6.x”

  • FEATURE: shortcode supports attributes: style, role, title, aria-hidden,
    aria-label, aria-labelledby


  • Metadata about available Font Awesome releases is now stored as a normal option
    in the WordPress database, instead of as a transient. Thus, it does not expire
    and does not disappear if the transient cache is purged.

    This is in part to avoid the scenario where a request to the Font Awesome API
    server may be required to refresh metadata in response to a front end page load
    when that transient expires.

    Some site owners had occassionally experienced problems where a sudden burst of
    requests to the API server from many WordPress sites caused this plugin to fail
    when making a request with an error like ‘An unexpected response was received
    from the Font Awesome API server.’ This change means that it is significantly
    less likely that such a scenario will occur.
    (Additionally, changes have been made on the API server, also making it
    significantly less likely that this over-load failure will occur again.)

  • Developers: the refresh_releases() API method has been deprecated to discourage
    unnecessary blocking network requests to the API server.


  • optimize normal page loads by loading much less metadata from the database (GitHub #96)
  • move the Font Awesome settings link from the main admin nav menu back down under Settings, where it used to be
  • update the version of the conflict detection script to one that also detects conflicting Kits
  • minor maintenance changes to keep JavaScript dependencies up to date
  • fix a bug involving the pseudo-elements setting when moving back and forth between using a Kit and using CDN (GitHub #82)


  • developer-oriented update to support building themes that use this code as a composer package


  • another minor update with additional error logging


  • minor update with additional error logging


SECURITY: fixes a vulnerability in how API tokens were being stored, when configured to use a Kit. All users of 4.0.0-rc15 or 4.0.0-rc16 should update immediately. Find more details and instructions for updating your API Token on the Font Awesome blog.

  • a minor bug in how network errors are handled


  • Fixes to the upgrade process


MAJOR UPDATE, some breaking changes for developers. Improves conflict detection, adds support for Kits and internationalization.

  • Includes auto-upgrade logic so that most users can upgrade with no impact, except those that have “registered client” themes or plugins. Users who had previously enabled the “remove unregistered clients” option should verify that the auto-upgrade worked successfully – check that your icons are appearing correctly. If not, run the Conflict Scanner from the Troubleshoot tab.
  • New conflict detection and resolution: The new conflict detection scanner can be enabled to more precisely discover conflicting versions of Font Awesome and provides more granular conflict resolution.
  • Expanded error handling with detailed reports in the web console for more advanced diagnostics.
  • Adds support for Kits.
  • Adds comprehensive internationalization in both PHP and JavaScript.
  • New design of the admin UI.
  • Developers: Significant changes to the way the settings are handled internally: Font Awesome will always load in the way the WordPress admin chooses. Registered themes or plugins may register preferences (which are displayed to the admin), but the site admin will determine the configuration.
  • Developers: Registered client plugins and themes need to be updated before they will work as expected.
  • Developers: The PHP API contains significant changes. See the GitHub README for an overview and the PHP API docs for details. This release is intended as a final API-changing release before stabilizing the API at 4.0.0. Once 4.0.0 is released, it will follow semantic versioning best practices.


  • Improve diagnostic output for unhandled errors.


  • Bug fix: Fix loading of admin page assets when removal of unregistered clients is enabled. This bug has been
    hiding under a rock for a while. rc11 turned over the rock, and this bug scurried out.


  • Bug fix: enqueue Font Awesome assets in admin and login areas, not just in the front end


  • Attempt to fix a problem where the admin settings is sometimes being confused by unexpected output from the WordPress
    server. This condition has been reported when certain other plugins are active, and (possibly) when PHP output
    buffering works differently than this plugin expects.


  • Enhance Font Awesome version 4 compatibility: add shimming of the version 4 font-family to enable version 4
    icons defined as pseudo-elements to be rendered via the version of Font Awesome 5 loaded by this plugin.

  • Add warnings to the admin UI to indicate that using svg and pseudo-elements may result in slow performance,
    and that svg with pseudo-elements and version 4 compatibility is not supported at all.


  • Remove dependence on third party libraries, eliminating a class of potential conflicts with other plugins.

  • Breaking changes to the API used by theme and plugin developers (no breaking changes for WordPress site owners).
    See commit log


  • Fix detection and removal of unregistered clients by changing the internal resource name this plugin uses to enqueue its resource.
    Change it to something unlikely to be used by other themes or plugins.


  • Fix error when updating options on admin page: handle null releaseProviderStatus in cases where the release provider
    does not have to make a network request to update release metadata.


  • Remove tilde character from JavaScript filenames to avoid violating some URL security rules


  • Cache releases data in the WordPress database to reduce the number of server-side network requests.

  • Ensure that releases data are always loaded fresh from when loading the admin
    settings page so site owners can see when new versions are available.

  • Add more specific error message on admin dashboard in the event that the WordPress server is not able to
    reach in order to get an initial set of available releases data.


  • Add missing v3 shim file


  • Fix handling of v3 deprecation warnings in admin settings page


  • Add admin settings page
  • Lots of back end code changes to support theme and plugin developers
    • Package plugin as a composer dependency
    • API Changes
    • Comprehensive API documentation for developers
  • Cache load specification unless client requirements change
  • Handle changing configurations as new plugins or themes are activated, de-activated or updated
  • Lock working load specifications and only rebuild when new requirements are conflict-free
  • Load Font Awesome release version metadata from the releases API


  • Last stable version of the old plugin

Not too useful in 2024

By destroy666 on March 27, 2024

Very weird implementation for block editors like Gutenberg - no separate block, can only add it to text or through shortcodes which makes things unnecessarily complicated. The icon picker is buggy on top.

Not great for an official plugin in 2024.


By pine81 on December 24, 2023


Most of the free icons won't show using the pseudo-element method

By egocefalo on February 20, 2023

Using the CDN or Kit option there's no difference, most of the 2,020 free icons found on fontawesome page by searching with the "Free" filter won't show at all, just a crossed out rectangle appears. Backward compatibility selected 6.x or 5.x, tried every combination and many many many many Free Icons,

It's the official plugin guys... can't you do it rigth? Maybe your select and insert block friendly thing works. But some of us need to use the pseudo-element method.

By the way thanks for the plugin...

Excellent Free Product

By Cory Lamle ( on February 4, 2023

For a free product this works quite well and allows users to quickly add font-awesome to their site without messing with custom code. If they offered a Pro version of this then it would definitely need to be cleaned up to work more easily on the editor side, however for a free piece of software its pretty nice and allows me to more easily integrate font-awesome into my sites. Thanks!

Terrible it brokes everyting in my site

By sophisticated on July 21, 2022

It brokes everything on my website. Icons don't work properly. Never set up it.

Broke my site

By Jimmy (jimmyastro) on July 14, 2022

As soon as I enabled it the entire site was down - stuck with the browser trying to connect to fontawesome. not very awesome...

Great free icons

By Uwe Jacobs (uwejacobs) on March 29, 2022

The Font Awesome plugin makes it easy to stay on top of the latest version that is otherwise hidden away in some assets folder. Block editor support makes it easy to insert icons without having to remember their names. Can't wait for version 6.

Just works

By DJ Davey (xdjxdaveyx) on January 20, 2022

This works perfectly for me where others didn't.

No local files.

By vee (okvee) on January 13, 2022

This plugin work great as they did not left the junk behind in the DB on uninstalled. But I found no option to use the Font Awesome assets (such as CSS+fonts) on my local site without CDN access. For example that I may have to install the website and then use in the intranet where no external access. However, there is some errors with WordPress 5.9-RC2-52567, PHP 7.1. It said:
Undefined variable: should_enable_icon_chooser in font-awesomeincludesclass-fontawesome.php on line 1623

Love this plugin!

By puciriusanikola on December 29, 2021

Just as the name implies - awesome plugin! I use it for all of the pages & posts on my site & the icons are super easy to add with the Visual Composer website builder frontend editor. Would recommend checking it out!
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