Everest Backup – Backup WordPress website, Migration, Restore & Cloning Plugin

Everest Backup – Backup WordPress website, Migration, Restore & Cloning Plugin

Everest Backup is a modern tool that will take care of your website's backups, restoration, migration, and cloning.
Active Installations:
Last Updated:
May 21, 2024
WordPress Version:
5.6 or higher
Tested up to:

Easy Migration, Seamless Transfer

Transfer your WordPress site effortlessly with Everest Backup's Magic Migration Key. No technical knowledge needed.

Secure Cloud Backups

Store your backup files on your remote cloud storage with Everest Backup. Get 100% restore rate and Google Drive integration.

Simplify Website Management

Everest Backup automates your WordPress website's backups, restorations, migrations, and cloning. Manage all backup files from your WordPress Dashboard.

Human Readable Logs

Get detailed information about your website backup process with Everest Backup's human readable logs. No technical assistance required.

The Best in Class Backup and Restore Solution!

By sblinnin on March 27, 2024

I've been using the Everest Backup Plugin for WordPress, and it's been incredibly helpful.

One of the standout features of the Everest Backup Plugin is its simplicity. Setting up regular backups of my website has never been easier. I easily set up automatic backups to regularly each month, as that is all I need.

The flexibility offered by this plugin is truly remarkable. The Everest Backup Plugin lets me back up my entire website, specific files, or just the database. You get to choose the backup methods you use most often. I go for the full backup.

Another aspect that I appreciate is the reliability of the backups. I've tested the restoration process multiple times, and each time, it worked flawlessly. Being able to quickly restore my website if anything goes wrong gives me great peace of mind.

The plugin works with different storage options like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3, making it more convenient. I can choose the storage option that best suits my needs, or my clients needs. My clients can pick the easiest backup and storage option, and I can back up an extra file for them in case they lose their original.

The support provided by the Everest Backup Plugin team is also worth mentioning. Whenever I have a question or problem, their knowledgeable support team quickly helps me. I have even been able to talk to the founder and CEO, Prabin.

The Everest Backup Plugin is a dependable and easy-to-use backup solution for WordPress websites. It's an essential tool for any website owner serious about safeguarding their data. Highly recommended!

By the way, I have been applying and personally using WordPress backups for 20 years. I used to have to do it manually. A ton of time has been saved and the hassles removed. It simply works out of the digital box. Just add your preferred Everest backup plugins of choice and start the process of backing up or restoring your WordPress instance.

Thank you, Prabin Jha and your team for creating a reliable and safe backup solution.

To your success!

Great Backup Plugin

By Rabbit Manhattan (rabbitmanhattan) on February 23, 2024

I first tried Everest Backup after experiencing a few migration and recovery failures with another plugin. Everest succeeded where the other plugin failed, so I switched to Everest.

I also use the paid version of Everest. It's been worth the money to me. Free or paid, backups run quickly. Logging is robust. If you have a paid version, you get a lot of flexibility in cloud options, scheduling, and other neat stuff.

Support is a 10 of 10. The team is very responsive, capable, and friendly. The team iterates quickly. Everest is great. 👍

I regret installing this plugin

By josekun on February 20, 2024

Initially, the plugin works smoothly, but then it gets stuck on a perpetual uploading loop. After contacting the company, they were very friendly, but nothing had happened after weeks. When they offered help, I gave them access, and that was the last I heard from them.
There are still issues with the plugin, and it's hard to tell if it is working or just showing progress without results.
The sad part is that they no longer respond to messages. I regret installing this Plugin.

Excellent Customer Support

By derekpadula on January 26, 2024

Everest Backup has an excellent customer support service. I emailed them on a Saturday morning and they responded in a couple hours. We then walked through the problem in a Google Meet session where I shared my screen and we worked together to find a solution. It turned out to be an issue with a file size limitation on my VPS, not with the plug-in itself.

I recommend their plug-in based on this support, and because it does the job as described.

Stop lying

By zajan on January 7, 2024

Look, I get it. You want people to pay for your premium services. I can assure you, and I'm probably not alone in this, that spamming my inbox with lies isn't going to make me purchase premium.

What lies, you might be asking?

Several times every week I get an email from you that claims that I'm almost out of space in my Google drive, and that the solution is to purchase your premium services.

Well, I wouldn't say that 80 GB available in my Google drive is the same as "OMG YOU ARE ALMOST OUT OF SPACE!!!"

At this rate, I'm more likely to find another backup provider than to purchase your premium services.

Best Migration Plugin and Support

By gramir on December 7, 2023

Definitely worth 5 stars. Initially with a few starting difficulties, as the migration didn't work straight away, but the team at Everest Backup didn't stop and worked on a solution until it worked. Great support. The solution was even integrated into a plugin update, which prevents the problem in the future.

I love the migration feature of Everest Backup. The migration took just about 2 minutes. I have tried many migration plugins, but this one is by far the easiest and fastest and from now on my go to migration plugin.

Thank you for the great support.

Best backup plugin

By waelalsadi on November 5, 2023

First and foremost, I am thrilled with my purchase of this product. The backup speed is astoundingly fast, allowing me to save time and effort in ways unimaginable.

Secondly, the feature that impressed me the most is the automatic backup. This feature ensures that my data is always up-to-date and backed up without any intervention on my part.


By mmarconcini on July 20, 2023

Fast, simple e very easy to use.

Big help in importing demo content

By pinoydarter on June 19, 2023

I am not that well versed in website building, despite using Wordpress--which is supposed to make things easy. Everything's just rocket science to me. Which is why any useful help means a great deal.

I am already starting to give up, thinking that my purchase of a domain and hosting will all go to waste. I was looking at one theme from Everest Themes, trying so desperately to import the demo content so that my new site will at least have the template that I will just update/replace the content. At the very last resort, I tried the Live Chat support at Everestthemes.com.

Initially, I thought no one will accommodate me as I am inquiring about an issue with a free theme. I was dang wrong.

Here comes Kale from their Support Team, who asked me what my problem is, checked my site, and helped me address my issues with some workaround.

One of my problems is that my upload size is very, very limited. So Kale asked me to use the Everest Backup plugin, which has a tool that lets you increase your upload size. After this, he cloned my site so that it will have the demo content, sent me the file, which I uploaded and restored using Everest Backup.

Once done, my site now has the demo content, which will greatly help me kickstart my site as I will just focus now on the content, and not mind the web template/design.

All these, through the generous help of Kale. Thank you very, very much. I admire how unselfish in providing help your team is at Everest Themes.

Many thanks again!


Exceptional WordPress Migration Plugin

By dorcy60 on May 15, 2023

The Everest Backup Plugin is an excellent tool for site migration, as it has saved me a significant amount of money. With its magic migration link, I was able to migrate my old hosting to a new one with ease, almost as if I were simply copying and pasting. Overall, this plugin is superb and highly recommended for anyone looking to migrate their site

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Try Everest Backup – Backup WordPress website, Migration, Restore & Cloning Plugin With InstaWP

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