
Managed WordPress Hosting Review: Your Handy Guide to Picking the Best

Did you know that 62.7% of websites whose CMS we know use WordPress? This represents about 43.4% of all websites. What a massive figure!

You might want to join the bandwagon of websites that use WP. This is especially true when yours is a website with a lot of traffic. If you intend to take this direction, then you must be keen to choose a reliable managed hosting plan for WordPress. 

Now that’s a challenging task! 

No worries, though. We have tried to bring a Managed WordPress Hosting review to make a full stop to your concern in this short piece of information. Finding a reliable WP hosting can be so daunting. The reason is that there are many host providers on the market. 

This review will help you choose the best hosting provider for your site. It explains what managed WP hosting is and gives you some options from which you can choose.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

You may have heard of managed WP hosting while searching for a web host. It is a specialized host designed for websites built on WordPress CMS. Managed WP hosting provides more than just server space. It brings on board additional features that make it easy to manage a WordPress website.

It is called managed because it handles both back-end and fundamental administrative chores. These chores include WordPress staging and configuration, software, themes and plugin updates, backups, security, and performance optimization. From security perspective, a site owner gets free SSL certificate as many providers offer SSL certificate at no cost. When you purchase SSL certificate from a reliable provider, it will give you seamless security features compare to free SSL.

Please note that WordPress does not do everything for you. Other technical aspects, such as SEO and marketing, lie in the owner’s docket. 

Features of Managed WordPress Hosting

Here are some of the key features of Managed WordPress Hosting

  • Automatic Updates

With managed WordPress hosting, all updates are automatic. So users do not have to worry about making manual updates. The automatic update feature ensures themes, cores, and plugins are up to date.

  • Enhanced Security

Managed WordPress hosting providers tend to be more secure. They come with advanced security measures. Advanced malware protection boosts website security. Intrusion detection and firewalls also enhance safety.

  • Frequent Backups

Users do not have to worry about data restoration issues. Managed WordPress allows automatic updates. The frequency can be daily or weekly, depending on users’ preferences.

  • Customer Support

Customers always get 24/7 expert support. This helps a knowledgeable team resolve any technical issues or queries.

  • Performance Optimization

Managed WP host servers are fine-tuned to ensure no downtimes. They provide fast loading speeds and improve overall site performance.

Top Managed WordPress Hosting Plans

1. InstaWP Live

There is a good reason why InstaWP Live had to come first on this list. InstaWP is your hassle-free ticket to managed WP hosting. It empowers you to build, manage, and migrate your WP website without much trouble. 

With InstaWP, you can have your website up and running in minutes. It is a go-to tool for all types of web admins. Freelancers, designers, developers, agencies, and testers will find this solution a perfect fit.

Top Features

InstaWP Live comes with tons of features. Here are some of them:

  1. Managed WordPress: Well, this one is obvious. The fact that it is a managed WP hosting means you get lots of services that simplify your WP experience. You get automated core and plugin updates, as well as expert support, among many others. With such features, you can focus on content while the host takes care of the rest.
  2. Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection: InstaWP prioritizes security. This plan comes with a robust DDOS protection mechanism. The mechanism safeguards your website against hackers’ attempts to disrupt normal operations. 
  3. Web Application Firewalls: InstaWP comes with a WAF. The WAF acts as a protective barrier that prevents external threats from reaching your website. It will track, filter, and block any threats or detrimental traffic.
  4. Guaranteed Uptime: InstaWP takes pride in offering websites guaranteed uptime. This managed host is designed to keep websites up and running 24/7. With InstaWP Live, web visitors can access your content whenever they want. 
  5. Automated Backups: You need a host that understands how crucial your data is. InstaWP does just that. It has a reliable backup strategy. The strategy ensures the safety of data and a reliable restoration plan. By allowing regular backups, InstaWP enables users to restore their websites to previous states in case unexpected issues occur.
  6. Content Delivery Network (CDN): Speed matters. In addition, InstaWP knows this fact. This is the reason it incorporates a CDN into its system. It helps to boost website load speeds.  
Features of InstaWP Live

What we like about InstaWP

InstaWP eliminates all the tedious manual installations. It spins up new WP installations in seconds. With this host, you can test new features and ideas without much effort. The host also gives you a customizable option. For instance, you can create a customized PHP version or create a template for future use. Additionally, you can clone an existing website. 

2. SiteGround

SiteGround is a good option for small businesses. It is home to over 3 million websites. The good thing with SiteGround is that they offer both shared and managed WP hosting. SiteGround also excels in automatic updates and 1-click staging. It comes with secure sockets, layer certificates, and many more.

Top Features

  • SSL certificate at no cost
  • 10+ GB space
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Robust security
  • eCommerce ready

What we like about SiteGround

SiteGround excels in site migration. It also has an easy-to-use dashboard and quick, helpful, and thorough customer support. 

What we do not like about SiteGround

The shared hosting plans for SiteGround are so limited. For instance, users only get a certain amount of SSD space for the plan they sign up for. Secondly, their pricing system is based partly on monthly traffic. When introductory pricing expires, the price tends to get expensive as the website grows.

3. Bluehost Cloud Hosting

With Bluehost, all managed WP roles are available on Bluehost Cloud Hosting. They offer free site migration, SSL certificates, automatic backups, and malware detection.

Top Features

Here are some of the features of Bluehost cloud hosting:

  • Automatic backups
  • SSL certificates
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Yoast SEO to boost search engine visibility
  • Jetpack website analytics

What we like about BlueHost Cloud Hosting

This is a good option for beginner website owners. It brings on board a simple dashboard and reliable customer support. It also has a fast server response time. The fact that it is a cloud-based system ensures speedier loading speeds.

What we do not like about BlueHost Cloud Hosting

Bluehost gives users less control over automatic backups. Additionally, this host provider cannot use both HTTPS and SiteLock CDN. One of the frustrating things about BlueHost is the ads. Users have to constantly close ad boxes and this could be frustrating to their experiences.

4. Hostinger

Hostinger is another popular WP hosting platform. It is home to more than 4 million users of WP websites, it offers a one-click WP installation and a control panel. It also comes with preinstalled WP plugins and automatic WP backups. 

Top Features

Here are some of the features of Hostinger hosting.

  • It comes with automated backups
  • It has an anti-DDOS protection feature
  • It comes with a WP staffing tool
  • Offers unlimited bandwidth
  • Excellent for eCommerce optimization
  • SSL certificate at no cost

What we like about Hostinger

Hostinger gives much value at a low price. It also has an intuitive user interface. It is a go-to solution for developers and agencies since it can cover up to 100 websites with 100GB of storage. That is for the cheapest plan.

What we do not like about Hostinger

Website migration on Hostinger is a bit cumbersome. You will have some challenges migrating, especially when your files are large. That is no big issue. If done right, you might be able to migrate your site without too much trouble. 

5. DreamHost

DreamHost has been around for about two decades. It is known to make web hosting easy. Users get custom dashboards, one-click WP install, automatic WP updates, unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth. The host powers of 1.5 million WP blogs and websites.

Top Features

  • Super reliable
  • Use open-sourced software
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Automatic WP updates
  • Free Domain and SSL
  • Excellent load speeds

What we like about DreamHost

DreamHost is an excellent beginner-friendly managed WP host for anyone interested in building a WP website. It is also affordable and this makes it a perfect choice for even small businesses. 

What we do not like about DreamHost

DreamHost has a big issue with availability. Their support team is not reliable and delays or fails to give solutions where needed. Their customer service does not have phone support. Additionally, they have their own cPanel which has a complex UI.


There you have it. The top five managed WP host providers. These options will get your job done and your website up and running. You will notice that these options have different features. Choose one that matches your website needs. Remember, there is always time to make the right choice. Hosting plans allow users to migrate, and you can always make the switch when the need arises.

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