
How to Migrate a WordPress Site to a New Domain and a New Hosting

Have you ever wondered about the possibility of migrating a WordPress site to a new domain and new hosting? Or do you want to transfer your website from one hosting provider to another? Worry not because we have made it easy. 

In this article, we shall walk you through the necessary steps to a successful wordpress migration without losing any data or compromising the functionality of your site. You may need to transfer your site to a new domain or new hosting or both, but why might you need a new domain? Let’s find out. 

Why Might You Need a New Domain?

A domain is a name that uniquely identifies you on the internet. While it’s not advisable to change domain names, you may have significant reasons as to why you may need to change your domain name. Here are some reasons why you may need to change your domain name. 

Rebranding. Rebranding your business or website may call for a new domain that reflects the new brand identity. This will help in aligning your online presence with your new business name and brand strategy. 

Need for an expressive domain name. Your current domain may be too long, difficult to remember, or may contain special characters like hyphens(-). Acquiring a shorter name, more memorable and keyword-rich, can improve user experience and search engine rankings. 

Expanding the market reach. If your business is expanding to new regions, a new domain that reflects a wider scope of operations may be beneficial. For example, switching from a country-specific domain like .uk to a global domain like .com. 

Merging or Acquiring a Business. When merging with or acquiring a business, a new domain might be needed to reflect the new entity or streamline multiple websites into a single one. 

The transition from a free domain. If you initially used a free domain from a website builder like wordpress.com, upgrading from yourname.wordpress.com to a custom domain will make your site look more professional and credible. 

Changing the TLD(Top Level Domain). You may need to switch from one TLD to another that better reflects your business, for example, from .net to .com for a commercial entity. 

Legal Reasons. Legal issues with your current domain, for example, trademark disputes, or ownership conflicts, might force you to register a new domain to avoid legal complications. 

The new for a new domain can vary for different reasons, whether you’re rebranding or expanding your market reach, selecting a new domain is a significant decision that can greatly impact your website’s success and online presence. 

Why Might You Need a New WordPress Hosting Provider? 

A hosting provider is a company that provides services that make websites accessible on the internet. They provide the infrastructure and support necessary to store website files and ensure the site is available to users. 

Switching to a new hosting provider can be driven by several reasons, each aiming at improving the overall performance and experience of managing a website. Here are some common reasons why you might consider a new hosting provider. 

Performance Issues. If your current host can’t handle your website’s traffic, and resource demands, you may experience slow load times, downtime, and other issues. Upgrading to a server with better capabilities can improve your site’s speed and user experience. 

Customer Support. Good customer support is crucial for resolving technical issues quickly. If your current host doesn’t have responsive, knowledgeable support, switching to a provider with excellent customer service can save you a lot of time and stress. 

Security Concerns. Enhanced security is a top priority for any website. If your current host has a history of security breaches and does not offer robust security features like SSL Certificates, firewalls, and regular backups, moving to a more secure provider can protect your site and user data. 

Cost Considerations. You might find another provider that meets your needs at a cheaper price. If your host is expensive and doesn’t offer value for money, switching to the more cost-effective provider will help you better manage your budget. If you are unsure, you can use HostScore Hosting Cost Calculator to estimate your hosting server fees.

Scalability. As your website grows, you need a host that scales with you. If your host doesn’t offer scalable features like VPS or dedicated servers, moving to another host will support your growth without interruptions. 

Advanced Features. You require specific features like staging environments, better caching, and a Content Delivery Network(CDN) that your host may not provide. 

Reliability. Frequent downtime can damage reputation and lead to loss of revenue. If your host is unreliable, switching to a host with a good uptime record can ensure your site is always accessible to visitors. 

Poor Control Panel. A user-friendly control panel like cpanel and Plesk makes managing your hosting environment much easier. If your host has a complicated or limited control panel, finding a provider with a better interface will simplify your work. 

Data Center Location. The physical location of data centers can affect the site’s speed. If your current audience is in a different region from where your host’s data center is located, switching to a host with servers closer to your audience can improve your site’s load times and performance. 

Specific Hosting Needs. Different websites have different hosting requirements. If you need specialized hosting like WordPress hosting, Managed hosting, or e-Commerce hosting, you may move to a specialized provider to meet your needs. 

To choose the best hosting for WordPress, assess your current and future needs and ensure that the new hosting provider meets your website’s demands. Remember the goal is to enhance your site’s growth, performance, security and overall user experience. 

Challenges of WordPress Migration

WordPress migration can significantly change the website structure, platform, and design. This process involves changing the website’s domain name, moving to a new hosting provider, redesigning the website to improve performance and use experience. 

Migrating a WordPress site may be complex and you may encounter potential challenges. Here are some of the most common ones. 

Data Loss. Ensuring that all site data i.e., posts, pages, images, plugins, themes, etc, is properly transferred without any loss is difficult. This also includes databases which must be exported and imported accurately. 

Plugins and Theme compatibility. Make sure that all the plugins and themes are compatible with the new environment. Some custom themes and plugins need to be reconfigured. 

Downtime. Minimizing downtime is crucial to avoid losing visitors or potential clients. Proper planning and informing your visitors about the ongoing updates can ensure a smooth transition. 

Broken Links. Migrating URLs can lead to broken links both internally and externally. This negatively affects SEO and user experience. 

Permalink Structure. Ensuring that permalinks remain consistent and avoiding 404 errors to maintain good SEO rankings. 

Database Configuration. Differences in database Configuration between the old and new environments may cause issues. Proper data management and configuration are required. 

Backup. Creating a comprehensive backup bed starting the migration is essential but ensuring that these backups are complete and restorable is also a challenge. 

Security Risks. Checking that the migration process doesn’t introduce security vulnerabilities. This includes securing data during transfer and making sure that the new environment is secure. 

SEO Impact. Migration can negatively impact SEO if not managed properly. This includes maintaining the same URL structure, setting up 301 redirects, and ensuring that meta tags, keywords, and other SEO elements are kept. 

User Accounts and Permissions. Migrating user accounts and permissions accurately to ensure all users access what they need without security breaches. 

Emails and DNS. Migrating email accounts and ensuring correct DNS settings to avoid email downtime and accessibility issues. 

Performance issues. The new hosting environment might have different performance features, requiring optimization for speed and reliability. 

Carefully planning, and thorough testing can help mitigate these challenges during a WordPress migration. 

The solution to your Migration Issues: InstaWP’s Migration Tool 

Wondering how we can migrate a WordPress site successfully? 

InstaWP has a solution for you. InstaWP’s migration tool is well-optimized for your migration needs. In the next section, let’s learn how to migrate a WordPress website using InstaWP. 

How to Migrate a WordPress Site to a New Domain and a New Hosting using InstaWP?

InstaWP allows you to migrate your existing staging site to a new hosting provider or InstaWP Live, the best hosting for WordPress. It copies the files and databases related to the website and then updates the settings for the WordPress site to run on the new server. 

In this section, we will explore the necessary steps to migrate a site to a new hosting using InstaWp. 

Step 1: Sign in to your InstaWP account. 

You need an InstaWP account, if you don’t have one, sign up now by clicking on the Get Started button. 

Create an Account on InstaWP

Use any signup method of your choice, whether Google, Social media, or Email. 

InstaWP Choose the signup Method

If you have an account already, sign in to your InstaWP account to access the dashboard. If you haven’t created your staging site, create one by clicking on the Add New button. Here is a detailed article about creating a staging site using InstaWP. 

Sign into InstaWP Account

Click staging to view all your staging sites. 

View Staging Sites on InstaWP

Step 3: Click the rocket (Go Live) icon. 

Click the rocket icon beside the site that you want to transfer to start the migration process. 

InstaWP Go Live

There are two options to migrate a site using InstaWP and we will explore all of them. 

Option 1: Migrate a site to InstaWP Live. 

You will be presented with 3 options to choose from Select InstaWP Live. Then click the Next Step button. 

Migrate to InstaWP Live option

You will see a pricing screen where you can choose the plan that suits you best and click Next Step to continue. 

Choose InstaWP Live Pricing Plan

Note that you have to add your card details to proceed to the next step. 

If you want to add some themes or plugins, select them and click the Go Live button. Your migration is now in progress. Wait for it to finish, and your site will be live. 

Option 2: Migrate to External Providers. 

If you’re migrating to an external provider, InstaWP simplifies the process for you. There are two methods you can use. 

Method 1. Choose from a Supported Provider. 

Click on Choose from supported providers, as shown in the screenshot below. 

Choose Supported Providers

Fill in the website settings and click Next Step to continue. 

Add Website settings

Click on Connect New Account to connect your hosting account and then click on Next Step to continue. 

Connect to your hosting account

You will be presented with a connection form. Fill out the form and click on Next Step to continue. 

Fill in the Connection form

After you have filled in the necessary information, you will proceed to the next steps and finally click on the Go Live button. 

Congratulations! Your website is now live. 

Method 2: Migrate Via URL. 

This option allows you to migrate your site to any hosting provider using the live site URL. 

From the migration options provided, choose Migrate via URL and click Next Step, 

Migrate via URL

Enter the site URL. Then click Connect Website. 

Connect Website

Now you need to authorize the application, to do so, click ‘Yes, I approve of this connection’. 

Authenticate the application

You can now click on Begin Migration. 

Begin Migration

Click Continue and your migration process will start. 

Continue Migration

You can click Track Migrate to check your migration status. 

And there you go, your site is live! 

Option 3: Using the Migration Tool. 

Another easier option is to use the WordPress Migration tool by InstaWP. 

Just enter the source and destination URLs, then click on Start Migration. 

InstaWP Migrate tool

And your site will be live. 

Migration Best Practices to Follow

Preparing for Migration

Website migration involves copying all files and databases of a website from the old server to the new server. Any mistakes made can lead to loss of data and other related issues. 

Before transferring your website, there are a few things you need to keep in mind that will guarantee the safety of your site data. 

Backing Up Your Existing Site

Backing up your site involves creating a copy of your website. It’s essential to back up your site before initiating a migration. This gives you an assurance that you have access to your data in case of any loss during the transfer. 

Selecting a New Domain and Hosting Provider

Carefully assess your website needs and choose a domain and hosting provider that meets your demands. Note that the choice of your domain and hosting will significantly impact your site’s performance. 

Setting Up Your New Hosting Environment 

Before transferring your website, set up your new hosting environment. The best hosting for wordpress is an environment that offers staging. InstaWP Live definitely offers this.

Set up the staging first and then the production environment. Install the theme and necessary plugins ensure they’re compatible with the new environment, fix any technical issues that may arise while on staging. This will help you eliminate errors that may occur in the transfer process. 

Testing Your New Site Post-Migration

Functionality and Performance Checks

Before going live, you must test your new site. Check that all the plugins and theme are working as expected. Check your site’s speed and do performance enhancements as required. 

Resolving Common Post-Migration Issues

When migrating a website, several issues may arise. Here are common post-migration issues and how to resolve them. 

  1. Broken Links and 404 errors. 

Update internal links. Ensure that all internal links are updated to reflect the new site structure and domain. 

Redirects. Set 301 redirects from old links to new links to maintain SEO rankings and guide users to the correct pages. 

Link Checker Tools. Use tools like Google Site Kit to identify and fix broken links. 

  1. Missing Content and Media. 

Check Database Transfers. Check that the database and all media files were correctly transferred. 

Restore from Backup. If any content is missing, restore from the backup done before migration. 

  1. Themes and Plugins Issues. 

Compatibility check. Ensure that the theme and plugins are compatible with the new environment. 

Update Themes and Plugins. Reinstall or update themes and plugins to their latest versions. 

Manual Configuration. Manually configure custom plugins and themes to restore functionality. 

  1. SEO Ranking Drops. 

Monitor with Google search console. Check for crawl errors and indexing issues. 

Submit Site map. Submit an updated site map to the search engine. 

Meta Tags and Titles. Verify that all meta tags, titles, and descriptions are correctly transferred and optimized. 


WordPress migration is often undertaken to improve performance, enhance security, and update user interface. However, it’s a complex process that requires careful planning and execution to avoid issues like data loss, broken links, or negative impact on SEO rankings. By following this guide, you will be able to do a successful website migration with the best hosting for WordPress. All the best!

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